Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Penerangan untuk entry : OK lah! I lie!

Thank you so much dearies for the comments, nasihat & jugak cadangan pasal the previous entry.

actually benda ni dah setahun jadi.. and sepanjang setahun ni.. ayu dah:
1. email
2. call
3. sms
4. message kat FB
5. message kat wall FB
6. cuba hubungi melalui family members

dan yang ayu dapat adalah:
1. no reply
2. blocked from posting at her FB wall
3. deleted from her FB friends list
4. she changed her blog address
5. didnt pick up my call let alone returning my calls
6. no reply at all as well from the family members.

but its ok.
all i need to do is doakan yang terbaik and moga dia mengampunkan apa jugak dosa ayu kat dia..

Blurbings By,


rasp said...

apa yang u buat tu is the best!
and i'll pray for your best interest :D

♥Syamelia♥ said...

u've done yr part n yr best, ayu..
now i guess it's up 2 her...
as a friend, just pray 4 the best 4 her... that's the least 4 can do...
n never stop berdoa...

Anonymous said...

sadness !!