Wednesday, February 29, 2012

habibi ya maulana!

alhamdulillah. another cousin brother got hitched!
eh silap.. sepupu saya lelaki.. dia lah yang mnjadi tukang hitched kan?

bertambah besar keturunan Hj Abdul Hamed (Teruna) & Hjh Sharifah Raja Kuda.

so, my cousin feeling2 Arab.
the theme was Arabian.

while the wedding goes on like a normal wedding should be...

we cousins/aunties/uncles/nieces/nephews did what we do best...

chit chattinng
catching up
gosipping actually.

now. thats a complete wedding event.
pengantin? CHECKED!
free food? CHECKED!
good music? CHECKED!
wedding favors? CHECKED!
sanak saudara lama tak jumpa or baru nak add in FB? CHECKED!
and last but not least....
latest gossips and updates of the whole big family? CHECKED!!!!!!!!!

now, can wish the pengantin...

moga cinta kalian hingga ke syurga...

congrats abg faisal & kak rian!

Blurbings By,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

my semput Saturday

started my day 2 hours later than the usual doing the same routine.
additional nya, i got to see my lovely doves (i claimed they're mine) nom nom nom.

settled the normal chores, rushed mandi, siap etcs and off to Shah Alam for an Aqiqah feast.
ada cucu sedara lagi sorang oiiii... ko mampu jadi nenda di awal 30-an.
i am ok.
ngeh ngeh ngeh.

no complaints. proud of it.

the normal stuff.
doa selamat.
majlis tahnik. (belah mulut dengan madu + kurma to the baby sambil didoakan yg baik2 sahaja..barakallah hu fiha)

and or course...
what kumpulan marhaban do best...

nasyid berendoi..
bukan sahaja baby boleh lena.. malah...

ahli kumpulan marhaban juga.
(tq makcik sudi jadi model blog saya)

settled Shah Alam, off to Bukit Rimau. (also in Shah Alam)

visiting BIL's sis whom currently warded kat Columbia Asia Hospital.
Rehab selepas bypass operation nya.

tanya khabar.
peluk cium sampaikan salam.

off to Gombak.

ada wedding invite.
wedding adik to Rose.
muda belia lagi adiknya.. alhamdulillah dah menikah.. congrats to Haikal & wife...

muka2 yang confirm akan ada juga diinvite sama.

Rose tu tangan tak reti duduk diam. eiii....
kalau tidak, dapatlah dunia menyaksikan betapa solehah jelitanya Rose & Kak Red that day.
me likey.

and also the soon-to-be bride & groom... adik Kak Long yang masam but maintain lonjong.. Yanok.

Sid was there earlier. but kerana bekejar ke kenduri lain, dia adalah sudah tiada ketika ketibaan saya.
but..............................kita adalah dapat souvenir lawa from Sid... all the way from India bebeh.
Tq Sid...
(gambar elek sebab mak buat as her harta already. tak sempat snap)

dapat jumpa RedBaby.
dapat gomol RedBaby.

eh lupa entry visit RedBaby tak keluarkan lagi.
Alah... macam tak biasa.

pasangan Yanok-Bojeng amik peluang mengedarkan kad kawin mereka juga.
kad dua.
majlis tiga.
+ bojeng, empat majlis.

settle wedding adik Rose.
me & mom off to Mydin Kepong.
tak shopping.
mengangkut apa yang di plan earlier.

parking hazabnya.
ayu pusing 4 kali.
mak pun dah selesai amik barang.
so tinggal amik je dia etcs and off balik rumah.

baru nak sampai rumah.
cousin called.
dia nak datang hantar barang.
terus solat laju2.
masak air. hidang apa patut.
apa ada je lah ye.

almost maghrib baru dia balik.
eh ke dah masuk waktu.

masuk je toilet tau2 dah mula gelap.
tak dinner.
tak peduli TV.

krooohhh... krooohhh.....

nak tunggu sabtu bukan main lama.
bila dah hari sabtu...
semput2 dah malam.

Blurbings By,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tweet from: @TheNoteboook

From: @TheNoteboook

If he misses you, he'll call. If he cares, he'll show it. If not, he can't be worth your time because you're obviously not worth his.


Betul ke eh?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Syria... T.T

Another forwarded email. I was so emotionally disturbed and sad reading this article. May Allah protect us all and semoga roh mereka tenang disana... 
Sesama Muslim... Apa tindakan kita? Apa pengajaran yang kita dapat from all this?
Let's sama2 muhasabah diri ok, friends?


Kat Twitter, orang dok gaduh isu RIP. Tapi kat Syria, kau tahu apa jadi??? :O

Kau tengok gambar jenazah budak ni ... 


Apa kau rasa yang berlaku pada budak ni? Tahu? Ke tak tahu? Yang tahu, Alhamdulillah. Bagus sebab kau seimbangkan hal duniawi dan akhirat kau.

Yang tak tahu ni, meh aku bagitahu ... gambar yang aku dok tepek ni nak bagi korang tengok ni, buat pengetahuan korang, budak ni kena sembelih oleh rejim Bashar.

Kau sedih tak? Kau marah tak? T___T

Tapi inilah realiti yang baru berlaku ni negara Syria yang semakin bergolak di bawah pemerintahan pemerintah yang gila kejam-tak-ingat-Allah!

Kau kenal Bashar tak? :o

Bashar adalah pemerintah Syria sekarang. Dialah yang mengerahkan orang bawahan dia tangkap geng budak-budak ni, seksa budak-budak ni, cabut kuku dorang, dan salah seorang dari budak-budak yang kena tangkap tu, disembelih.

Nama arwah budak kat atas ni ... Marwa Adil Bahar. Aku sedih gila tengok video orang mandikan, kapankan dia. Kalau korang nak tengok, pi cari kat YouTube. Takpun, pergi kat sini ...
Artikel Kanak-Kanak Yang Dibunuh. 

Tahu kenapa budak ni Bashar suruh sembelih? Sebab budak-budak ni mengutuk tindakan dan menulis di dinding tentang kekejaman Bashar ni. Maka bila Bashar dapat tahu, semua yang terlibat which is around 28 kids, ditangkap, diseksa dan pengakhirannya, salah sorang budak tu, si arwah Marwa ni disembelih sampai kepala terputus dari badan! 

Eeeeeiiiii .. kalau ada kuasa, nak je aku suruh tukang pancung kat Arab Saudi ni, pergi tolong pancungkan kepala di Bashar niiii! Biar dia rasa sikit apa rasanya kena potong leher camgitu. 

Ehhhhh, kalau pancung tak rasa sakit sangat sebab terus zasssss, kepala tertanggal. Tapi arwah budak ni, dorang sembelih, so aku nak suruh si tukang pancung, dok sembelih Bashar ni macam kita sembelih ayam. Baru adil dan saksama kan? 

Aku taktau apa perasaan si Bashar ni bila dok zalim dengan budak-budak. Dah nama budak-budak. Budak-budak dahlah ibarat kain putih suci murni. Boleh pulak dia dok sedap suh seksalah, sembelih lah, kau kenapa Bashar? Kau tak takut balasan Allah SWT? 

Inilah akibatnya bila hati dah gelapppp! Bila hati dah gelap, berbuat kezaliman pun, masih boleh dok rilek macam takde perasaan kan??? 

Kau tunggu Basharrrrrr! Itu ha ... itu haaaa ... kat atas langit tuuuu, Allah SWT tengok jeee apa kau buat, tahu? Nanti sampai masa, memang riwayat tamat kezaliman kau pada Muslimin lainnn!

Kau sibuk bergantung dengan negara Rusia kan? Kau ingat Rusia tu hebat sangat keee? Kau lupa ke, yang paling hebat adalah Allah SWT? Lupa keeeeee???? 

" Kamu membunuh kaum yang rindukan syahid. "

Itulah mesej yang disampai oleh rakyat Syria pada pemerintah Bashar. Ia cuma disampaikan, ditulis di dinding. Mesej yang sangat jelas dan sangat sinis!

Iniiii ... kalau Bashar baca tapi tak terkesan jugak, memang confirmlah Allah SWT dah palingkan nikmat taubat pada dia!

So, now guys, at least, some of you dah tau sikit-sikit apa yang dah jadi di negara Syria. Tak banyak, sikit pun dah cukup dari kita tak tau langsung. Ok?

Let me added some more pasal Syria ...

Awal pergolakan, 
#teamUltrasBashaar memang ramai tapi lepas certain of the member team sedar that apa yang dorang buat tu salah, makanya for almost 30,000 of the #teamUltrasBasharkembali ke pangkal jalanNya dengan meninggalkan #teamUltrasBashaar dan they build up new team as Free Army!

Makanya, hinggalah ke saat ini, sekarang ni, 
#teamUltrasFreeArmy inilah yang sedaya upaya melindungi rakyat Syria yang lain. AllahuAkbar! You go Free Army! Allah SWT is always there to help all of you to protect the Syrian! You go boysss!

I listed for you, kekejaman yang dah dibuat oleh 
#teamUltrasBashar kepada rakyat Syria dari awal kebangkitan hinggalah sekarang ni : 
In 42 days, almost 40,000 rakyat Syria dibunuh. Mereka mati syahid. 
39,000 rakyat Syria yang cedera, tidak dirawat langsung. Dibiarkan macam tu saja. 
19 doktor dan 40 pesakit di sebuah hospital di wilayah Doma, Syria dibunuh oleh#teamUltrasBashar
9000 Syrians dijadikan tahanan tanpa sebab. 
413 Syrians syahid dalam penjara. 
All the womens, #teamUltrasBashar bawak entah ke mana, then, in front of their families, they raped the women! 
Zainab Al-Husni yang berusia 23 tahun, ditangkap dan kemudian #teamUltrasBashar nak rogol tapi Zainab ni melawan. So, to end up the 'story', #teamUltrasBashar bunuh Zainab & cut her body into 4 pieces, put inside the plastic bag and threw the bodies right in front of her family. :'( 
Takbir adalah tidak disukai oleh #teamUltrasBashar
Bashar mengarahkan, ucapan " Laillahhaillallah " ditukar pada " Laillahhaill Bashar Asar "
Kezaliman yang dilakukan #teamUltrasBashar dan Bashar sendiri pada wanita dan kanak-kanak adalah jauh lebih kejam dan dasyat dari kekejaman Israel. :'( 

So guys, please pray for them, Make du'a for them. Kita sama doa semoga Allah SWT sentiasa melindungi mereka semua. Not only for the Syrians but same goes to all the Palestinians, Egyptians, Yemanians and for all Muslims yang ditindas dan dilakukan kekejaman sesuka hati. Ok?

Keep, du'a and du'a and du'a as du'a is A REAL WEAPON to all Muslims and by du'a is how you could connect to Allah SWT. ;')

Now, stop membusykan diri korang dari dok sibuk sedih pasal kematian Whitney Houston tu because on the other side of world, there are some Muslims that needed more your sympathy and du'a!

Sekian. Ma'asalamah! 

Blurbings By,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bukan Doa Kamu Yang Makbul Sebenarnya

A forwarded email from my bff. 
#justsharing ... let's renungkan bersama ok?

Bercakap fasal doa, 
saya teringat satu kisah yang sangat-sangat memberikan kesan dalam kehidupan saya. Guru-guru saya di sekolah, semenjak sekolah rendah, sangat menerapkan doa. Jadi, saya sudah dibiasakan dengan Solat Hajat, Solat Dhuha, Qiamullail, waktu-waktu doa yang mustajab seperti ketika hujan dan sebagainya agar saya rajin berdoa, dan agar doa saya makbul. Jadi, bila Allah anugerahkan saya kejayaan, saya sentiasa rasa, itu sebab saya doa dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Namun satu cerita mengubah persepsi saya. 

Cerita yang saya dengar itu begini: 

Kisah berkenaan seorang abang dan seorang adik. 
Kedua-duanya adalah anak yatim lagi miskin. Mereka tinggal di rumah pusaka tinggalan ibu bapa mereka. Kedua ibu bapa mereka adalah hamba ALLAH yang soleh. Kedua-dua anak dididik untuk bergantung harap dengan Allah SWT. 

Si abang, saban hari berdoa agar ALLAH mengubah nasib hidupnya. Dia meminta kepada ALLAH agar dipertemukan dengan isteri yang cantik lagi kaya. Dia meminta kepada ALLAH agar dirinya kaya raya. 

Si Adik pula, seorang yang buta huruf. Tidak seperti abangnya, dia membaca doa pun dengan melihat kertas. Sebelum bapanya mati, dia pernah meminta bapanya menulis sesuatu di atas kertas, dan kertas itu sering dipegangnya setiap kali berdoa. 

Akhirnya, Allah mempertemukan seorang perempuan yang cantik lagi kaya dengannya. Perempuan itu jatuh hati kepadanya, lantas berkahwin. Si Abang seperti mendapat durian runtuh dan kehidupannya terus berubah. Dia keluar dari rumah pusaka, dan meninggalkan adiknya. 

Si Abang akhirnya kaya raya, malah terus kaya apabila dia memasuki medan bisnes. Dia sudah mula alpa dengan ALLAH, melewat-lewatkan solah, jarang membaca Al-Quran, tapi tidak pernah lalai untuk meminta kekayaan daripada ALLAH. Kalau masuk dalam bab perniagaan, kekayaan dunia, maka berbondong-bondong doanya kepada ALLAH. Dan ajaibnya, Allah beri apa yang dia minta. Si abang rasa dia istimewa. 

Si adik pula, hidupnya tidak berubah. Dia masih seorang sederhana, dengan kelemahannya sebagai seorang buta huruf, dia hannya mendapat kerjaya sederhana, terus menjaga rumah pusaka. Si adik, juga rajin berdoa. Si abang tahu, si adik rajin berdoa. Tapi Si Abang melihat, hidup adiknya tidak berubah-ubah. 

Lantas satu hari, ketika Si Abang menziarahi adiknya, Si Abang berkata dengan sombong: 
“Kau kena berdoa kuat lagi. Tengok aku, berdoa je ALLAH makbulkan. Kau ni tak cukup hampir dengan Allah ni. Berdoa pun masih tengok-tengok kertas. Tak cukup hebat.” 

Si Adik tersenyum sahaja. Suka abangnya menegur kerana padanya, teguran abang amat bermakna. 
Si Adik terus hidup sederhana, di dalam rumah pusaka, dengan doa melihat kertas saban hari, dan kehidupannya tetap tidak berubah. Tidak menjadi kaya seperti abang. 

Satu hari, Si Adik meninggal dunia. Ketika Si Abang mengemas-kemas rumah pusaka, dia berjumpa satu kertas. Kertas itu adalah kertas yang adiknya sering pegang ketika berdoa. 
Si Abang menangis teresak-esak apabila membaca kertas kecil itu. 
Kertas itu tertulis: “ Ya Allah, makbulkan lah segala doa abang aku” 

Si Abang mula membandingkan dirinya dengan adiknya. Adiknya kekal taat kepada ALLAH dan tidak meringan-ringankan urusannya dengan ALLAH SWT. Adiknya, sedikit pun tidak meminta dunia kepada ALLAH, malah tidak meminta apa-apa untuk dirinya. Tetapi adiknya meminta agar segala doa Si Abang dimakbulkan. Si Abang, tidak pernah sedikit pun mendoakan Si Adik. 
Si Abang mula nampak, rupanya, bukan doa dia yang makbul. Tetapi doa adiknya telah diterima oleh ALLAH SWT, lantas segala doanya menjadi makbul. 

Cerita ini meruntun hati saya, dan buat saya sentiasa berfikir panjang. 
Kadang-kadang kita, bila Allah realisasikan hajat kita, kita suka mengimbau usaha-usaha kita. 
"Aku buat beginilah yang jadi begini." 
"Doa aku makbul seh!" 
"Aku ni memang Allah sayang. Tengok, semua benda Allah bagi. Aku minta je pun." 
Tanpa sedar kita bongkak. Takabbur. 

Sedangkan, kita tak tahu, mungkin yang makbul itu adalah doa ibu bapa kita, doa adik beradik kita, doa sahabat-sahabat kita. Bukannya doa kita. 

Cerita itu sangat menyentuh hati saya. 
Membuatkan setiap kali saya berdoa, saya tidak lupa mendoakan ibu bapa saya, guru-guru saya, keluarga saya, adik beradik saya, sahabat-sahabat karib saya, yang teramat akrab saya sebutkan namanya agar lebih merasai bahawa saya memerlukan mereka mendoakan saya juga.

Kita ini banyak dosa. Banyak hijab. 
Mungkin doa orang lain yang lebih bersih hatinya, lebih suci jiwanya yang makbul, menyebabkan rahmat Allah tumpah pada diri kita. Sebab itu jangan berlagak. Jangan tinggi diri. Jangan rasa doa kitalah yang makbul. Pulangkan semuanya kepada Allah. Doa itu sebahagian daripada usaha sahaja sebenarnya. 
Dan jangan rasa segan nak minta orang lain doakan kita. 

Semoga bermanfaat note ini. 
Sebarkan jika anda rasa ada manfaatnya. 
Semoga Allah redha dengan kita. 


Blurbings By,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP Whitney Houstan

An artikel from USAToday

Whitney Houston, musical superstar, dies

With her incredible vocal range and purity, runway good looks and girl-next-door charm,Whitney Houston was an out-of-the-box superstar when she arrived on the music scene in 1985. Her meteoric rise included record-setting hits, groundbreaking videos and a promising film career.
  • Whitney Houston, whose stellar voice made her a superstar but who was long plagued by personal problems including drug abuse, died Saturday. She was 48.
    Whitney Houston, whose stellar voice made her a superstar but who was long plagued by personal problems including drug abuse, died Saturday. She was 48.

Whitney Houston, whose stellar voice made her a superstar but who was long plagued by personal problems including drug abuse, died Saturday. She was 48.

But by the mid-1990s, rumors of marital woes and drug abuse began to tarnish her image and she took a downward spiral that saw her name emblazoned in sordid tabloid headlines rather than glowing reports of musical success.
Word of the 48-year-old singer's death broke early Saturday evening as the industry gathered in Los Angeles for the official Pre-Grammy Gala hosted by her mentor Clive Davis, chief creative officer of Sony Music Worldwide. The cause and location of her death are unknown.
In recent years, Houston had struggled to regain her past glory. In 2009, she released I Look to You, her first studio album in seven years and first since going through rehab and divorcing Bobby Brown, her husband of 14 years, in 2006. While the album did debut at No. 1 and sold more than 1 million copies, it failed to produce any massive hit singles, or receive hoped-for Grammy Awards nominations. Her subsequent overseas tour met with mixed reviews, with disappointed fans demanding refunds.
It was a sad end for the once incandescent star who paved the way to pop success for other African-American singers such as Janet JacksonAnita BakerMariah Carey andMary J. Blige, and has been cited by the likes of Beyoncé, Alicia KeysJennifer Hudson,Britney SpearsChristina Aguilera and Leona Lewis for inspiring them to become singers. The gospel-trained Houston was the daughter of singer Cissy Houston, goddaughter of Aretha Franklin and cousin of Dionne and Dee Dee Warwick
Houston was already an up-and-coming magazine model (she was one of the first women of color to grace the cover of Seventeen) when record mogul Clive Davis signed her to his Arista Records label in 1983. In an interview accompanying the 2010 reissue of her debut album, Whitney Houston: The Deluxe 25th Anniversary Edition, Davis recalls first seeing her backing up her mother at the New York City club Sweetwater's.
"She did two solo numbers, one of which was the song The Greatest Love Of All. Whitney sang the song with such fervor, with such a natural vocal gift, with such passion, that I was stunned. I knew really right then and there that this was a special talent and I was blown away by her," Davis recalled. "There was no hesitation. I wanted to sign Whitney."
Together, they would make music history. Davis spent more than a year grooming Houston, lining up producers and collecting the right material. Her first hit, Hold Me, a duet with Teddy Pendergrass for his 1984 Love Language album, went to No. 5 on the R&B chart. It was a precursor to Whitney Houston, which arrived in 1985 to rave reviews.
First single You Give Good Love was a top 5 pop hit, and its follow-up, Saving All My Love for You, was even bigger. It went to No. 1, as did How Will I Know, the video for which became one of the first by an African-American female to get heavy rotation on MTV. The Greatest Love of All also spent three weeks at the top of the charts andWhitney Houston wound up selling 13 million copies domestically.
She earned three nominations at the 1986 Grammy Awards, including one for album of the year. Saving All My Love for You won for female pop vocal, and her performance of the song on the show would win her an Emmy Award later that year. The Greatest Love of All would also be nominated for record of the year at the following year's Grammys.
Houston's superstardom was solidified in 1987 with the release of Whitney, which sold 9 million copies in the USA and spawned four No. 1 singles: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me),Didn't We Almost Have It AllSo Emotional and Where Do Broken Hearts Go. That gave her a record seven chart-toppers in a row. A fifth single,Love Will Save the Day, was a Top 10 hit. Thanks to her record sales and concert grosses for 1986 and 1987, Forbes ranked her as the eighth-highest-earning entertainer at the time.
Her crossover success was unprecedented for an African-American woman, but she soon found herself defending it against critics, who claimed her hits lacked soul. Her third album, 1990's I'm Your Baby Tonight, took her in a more urban direction thanks to production from the likes of L.A. Reid and Babyface, Stevie Wonder and Luther Vandross, but it's acceptance was less spectacular. The album peaked at No. 3 while selling 4 million copies, though singles I'm Your Baby Tonight and All The Man That I Need topped both the pop and R&B charts.
Still, big things and big changes were on the horizon for Houston, whose 1991 Super Bowl performance of The Star Spangled Banner remains the yardstick by which other singers are judged. Two things happened in 1992 that would have profound affects on her career. She made a move into acting and making soundtracks with The Bodyguard, and after a three-year courtship, she married R&B singer and former New Editionmember Bobby Brown.
In The Bodyguard, she starred as a singer who was being protected by Kevin Costner's title character from a stalker fan. The film grossed more than $121 million at the box office, and the soundtrack had an even bigger impact for Houston. Her cover of Dolly Parton's 1974 hit, I Will Always Love You, distinguished by Houston's a cappella intro, stayed at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for a then-record 14 consecutive weeks and had significant stints atop the R&B and adult contemporary charts as well. The album also spawned Top 5 hits I'm Every Woman (a Chaka Khan hit on which Houston had sung background when she was 15) and I Have Nothing. The album sold 17 million copies in the U.S., won three Grammys including album and record of the year, plus a slew of other awards.
Two years later, Houston performed at a state dinner at the White House honoring newly elected South African President Nelson Mandela, and would later be the first major artist to perform in that country, playing three shows to 200,000 people.
Her next film, 1995's Waiting to Exhale starring Angela Bassett, was also a hit with a huge soundtrack. This time, she teamed with Babyface to co-produced the star-studded album and contributed to its success with Exhale (Shoop Shoop)Why Does It Hurt So Bad and Count On Me, a duet with CeCe Winans. She earned $10 million for her next role, 1996's The Preacher's Wife, which starred Denzel Washington and Courtney B. Vance. While it didn't do as well at the box office as the previous two films, Houston got her best review yet as an actress. The soundtrack saw Houston cutting loose in a gospel setting. It featured six songs with the Georgia Mass Choir including He's All Over Me with gospel legend Shirley Caesar. I Believe in You and Me and Step By Step were both radio hits.
Houston branched off into TV in 1997, producing a remake of Rodgers & Hammerstein'sCinderella starring Brandy with Houston as Fairy Godmother. The highly rated ABC special earned seven Emmy nominations. That set the stage for Houston's first studio album in eight years, My Love Is Your Love. The album sold 4 million copies in the U.S., and spawned a successful world tour, but peaked at No. 13 on the Billboard 200, making it her first album not to at least reach No. 3. Still, with production from the likes of Wyclef JeanMissy Elliott and Rodney Jerkins, it had the hits When You Believe with Mariah Carey, Heartbreak Hotel, It's Not Right But It's Okay, My Love Is Your Love and I Learned From the Best.
As the '90s closed, Houston's popularity was beginning to wane just as rumors about drug use with Brown swirled and reports began surfacing about erratic behavior and weight loss, along with missed interviews and canceled concerts. On Jan. 11, 2000, marijuana was discovered in Houston and Brown's luggage as they passed through security at a Hawaii airport, though they boarded the plane and left before police arrived.
Two months later, she was conspicuously missing when Clive Davis was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She was also to have performed on the Academy Awards, but was fired by musical director Burt Bacharach.
She signed a $100 million, six-album deal with Arista/BMG in 2001, but after appearing on the Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Special, her extremely thin frame fueled more rumors of drug abuse. Those rumors were confirmed a year later when she did an interview with Diane Sawyer to promote her upcoming album Just Whitney. She admitted using drugs in the highly watched TV interview, which included her infamous declaration, "Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let's get that straight. OK? We don't do crack. We don't do that. Crack is wack."
Just Whitney was her poorest-selling album to date and none of its singles made the Hot 100's top 40. She got positive reviews for 2003's One Wish: The Holiday Album, but only modest sales.
Houston's image took further pummeling on the sordid 2005 Bravo reality series Being Bobby Brown, which gave an inside look into their family life. Critics savaged the show, but morbidly fascinated viewers tuned in to see just how low they could sink. The show was canceled after Houston decided to no longer participate. She separated from Brown in September 2006 and the divorce was finalized in 2007, with Houston gaining custody of the couple's daughter, Bobbi Kristina.
In a 2009 interview with Oprah Winfrey to promote her just out album, I Look To You, Houston blamed an emotionally abusive and jealous Brown for many of her problems, confessed that she laced her marijuana with rock cocaine, and revealed the she had spent time in rehab and had undergone an intervention by her mother.
The album debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 with a career-best opening week of 305,000 copies sold. It was her first chart-topping album since 1992's The Bodyguardand would go on to sell 1 million copies. But the title track and the Alicia Keys-pennedMillion Dollar Bill had only modest success, and she received none of the expected Grammy nominations.
Her post-release TV appearances were also spotty. Though the fans responded warmly, she had to apologize for her voice cracking at a three-song Good Morning Americaconcert in New York's Central Park . It came not long after the Oprah interview, which she says wore out her vocal cords. She gave a much-better-received performance of I Didn't Know My Own Strength on the American Music Awards two months later.
She received similarly mixed reviews on her current tour. But the re-release in January ofWhitney Houston was a stark reminder of the gorgeous voice she once had, and how much had been lost to years of drug abuse and personal turmoil.

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