Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy 67th cinta hatiku...

Today is a very special day. It's my mom's 67th birthday. :)

Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear mak
Happy Birthday to you..

Dear Allah,

I am very grateful to you for giving me such a wonderful, beautiful, strong willed and awesome mother. Thank you Allah for this most wonderful gift.
For the 67th years of her life and more years to come InsyaAllah, please bless her with the best of iman, faith, health, love, wealth and everything the world and the hereafter could offer.
I would give away every single thing I have in this life for her.
I would risk my life for her.
I would do anything for her.
Being me, I am not quite an expression kind of person. What I portray most of the time is not what I meant by. I keep a lot of things inside. Which is why Ya Allah, if I didn't get a chance to tell her, please whisper this in her heart that I Love Her so much. Nothing that I do I am not reminded of her. For every single steps I take in life, is because of her.
Without her spirit and strength I wouldn't be here, where I am today and what I am today.

Dear Allah,
Please forgive all her sins, intentionally or unintentionally. Please bless her with the best hidayah and barakah.

For all the obstacles that my mom had been through, please make it worth it. Let her enjoy and be happy with her current life. Please Ya Allah, fill her heart, mind & soul with only your blessing and the love around her.

For each and every sweat she struggles to raise my sis & I.. please ya Allah, make it shine in Jannah for her.
To that, nothing can repay her.

I would want to give her the world, if I could. InsyaAllah one day.
But I know, as a good daughter and with the knowledge my mom has provide and teach me, I should and will always continue to pray for her. Amin, InsyaAllah.


To mak,
Thanks for everything. Happy Birthday. May Allah bless you with the best of everything mak, as you really deserves it.
If I were to write about you, this space won't fit.
But only Allah knows how much I love You mak...
I'm sorry if I ever be the troubled one, the difficult one. I know I am not the best daughter for you. InsyaAllah, I will try to be what you want me to be.
again, I love you so much.

Blurbings By,


adenium said...

heppi besday makcik... semoga panjang umur... murah rezki...

daela said...

Salam, Happy Birthday to Mak Kak Ayu..Sampaikan salam dila pada mak akk ya...

attyfir said...

selamat hari jadi makcik, semoga sihat dan happy bersama family tercinta.amin

Lyn Yusoff said...

Happy birthday auntie..
semoga panjang umur & dimurah kan rezeki.
moga diberikan kesihatan yg baik.
Amin :)

eLLy said...

ameen.. happy bday mak cik..

Anonymous said...

happy birthday nek su, btw suma hannan nak menyebok, dr fb smpai la blog.. heee... mk ayu jgn dtg blog hnan.. maluuuuuuuuuuu.. hahaha


happy besday makcik..semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki..