Monday, April 20, 2015

Missing spot.

It's been a while.... years lah juga for me to write back in this beautiful space of mine.
Yup, while everyone is fading away from blogging, I choose to come back and hit the road again.

Tipu kalau kata tak rindu.. rindu setengah mati. In this space where I write, share and express my daily routine and also information...

But along the way, it;s such a heartache knowing that people judge me simply from writing and sharing here. Even worst, kalau happy post, memang semua judge tak hengat dunia... Kalau sad, siap judge padan muka...

Saya berhenti menulis dulu, untuk hentikan dosa orang lain.
Dosa mengumpat saya dibelakang.
Dosa buat assumption mengenai saya.

Saya masih hidup..apa kata datang face me up and ask..
Semua benda jadi, ada sebab musababnya..

So, chillex lah.

Love, Ayu