Thursday, November 15, 2012

Israeli Invasion of Gaza - Press Release from Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM)

15 November 2012

The serial military incursions of Israel on the autonomous Gaza Strip over the recent few weeks have now escalated into a virtual invasion with incessant bombings from both the air and sea. The present large scale bombardment of Gaza over the past 24 hours is very reminiscent of the genocidal massacre committed by the Israeli military in Operation Cast Lead in December 2008.

The present carnage known as Operation Pillar of Defense is yet another display of Israel’s contempt for International Law and its ruthless defiance of accepted norms of co-existence both in times of peace and war. It has been unrelenting in its militaristic occupation mode, expanding its illegitimate settlements in the West bank, blockade of the Gaza Strip and now embarking on mass killings of innocent civilians and wanton destruction of property in Operation Pillar of Defense.

Independent eye witness accounts and broadcasts from within Gaza has authenticated the fatalities, severe bodily injuries inflicted on ordinary Gazans and the damages to civilian properties. Thus dispelling the many news distortions from partisan Zionist media houses.

The United Nations, European Union and other world power brokers need to act fast and rein in the heinous acts of Israel or will soon become abject Zionist stooges like some, allowing it with impunity to do as it pleases in the Middle East and beyond.

The spirit of the “Arab Spring” of 2011 which swept across the Middle East, overthrowing regimes complicit with Israel’s policies and supported by some super powers, should be universally unified and enhanced to demonstrate their support for Palestinian rights. And like “New Egypt” recall their ambassadors and initiate the expulsion of Israeli diplomats from their respective countries.

The defence of Gaza and ultimately the end of the occupation in Palestine is duty bound upon all peace loving and free people of the world and VPM calls upon nations, institutions and individuals to actively participate in this humanitarian duty. Nelson Mandela sums it well when he said, “Palestine is the worst moral crisis of our times”. Thus making it a humanitarian crisis; a colossal failure of our collective humanity.

VPM in solidarity with civil society throughout the peaceful world denounces in no uncertain terms the Israeli aggression in Gaza. VPM calls for an immediate cessation of the air strikes and bombardment and an end to the siege of Gaza.

We emphatise with the misfortune that has befallen the ordinary people of Gaza, the loss of human lives, property and their basic human right to peace, freedom and justice. We nonetheless salute the brave Palestinians who have not wavered in their resolve to acquire what is rightfully theirs since the annexation of their lands in 1948.

Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin


Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM)

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