Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm sorry

Dalam hidup ni.. Kita semua ada kesalahan.
Benda kecik pada kita, besar pada orang lain.
Nothing pada kita, Something pada orang lain.

Kalau kita semua fikir yang EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, I'm very sure aman dunia ni.

Kalau kita semua fikir yang lain orang, lain ragamnya.. And always bersangka baik... Memang confirm aman damai dunia ni.

Ini tidak...
We choose to...
- assume sendiri
- analyse sendiri
- menuduh sendiri
- sentap sendiri

YES. We tend to be SELF CENTERED.

And as human jugak, bila kita insecure... We tend to think things like...
- she's/he's changed!
- she's/he's not the same anymore!
- she's/he's someone else now!

Pernah kita sit back and fikir... What have we done and took forgranted before all that happens?

Pernah kita kena kenang perubahan kita sendiri? Which I'm sure ada sebab and puncanya sendiri.

All in all.. No one is perfect.
And everything happens for a reason.
Saya sendiri... Banyaaaaaakkkkk sangaaaaattttttt assume and menganalisa manusia2 kesayangan sekeliling saya.

But at the end of the day.. When I finish my prayers, I lift my hand again and pray the very best for them.

Why? I realise that... What's important is for them to be happy always.. Even I'm not in the picture.

I'm approching 32 years old... Frankly.. Saya ada satu nasihat untuk semua.
Jangan simpan dalam hati.

It kills man!
It kills!

But its ok... Since its been my practise.. Jadi saya dah immune and dah jadi habit..
Marilah continue untuk:
- berdiam diri and pray for the best
- mengalah
- play along
- understand semua orang. Even tak faham pun. Buat2 je faham.
- be there for everyone even they'll only turn to you when they need you only.
- listen to them even they no londer listens and care about your story.

Ya Allah.. Please protect me, my family, my BFFs, my friends and all that's important for me.
And guide us all... Always and forever.

To all.... I'm Sorry.
For every single thing.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.



nice quotes...agree..

UmiMia said...

boleh tak..for once korang think abt her happiness...boleh tak jgn cari salah dia jer....korang pun berlambak salahnya cer korang fikir....

hagak-hagaklah gak kalau nak self centered pun.....

i love you ayu....

Dee said...

pakai blackberry pun let type byk2 eh..hihihi..

mcm dee gak..marah hari ni..habis hari ni..xmoh simpan dlm hati..let it go..kalau pikir2..semak, memaafkanlah walau pun org tu tak minta maaf..