Thursday, February 17, 2011

November babies..... ;)

(i am willing to get smacked, punched and whatever for this very lateeeeeeeeeeeeeee entry)
- virtually only please. ;)

so ok lah... ceritanya...
me, mulan & kak liza wanted to celebrate our birthdays.
yes, we're the women of november.

but somehow...
we postponed it sampai december.
which gives me more reason to postponed the entry till february.
(ok tak relevant)

dung dung cheeeiii kesana kemari..
with a tweet, we finally decided to meetup for lunch at Bumbu Desa, KLCC.

main DM n BBM je.
nak whats app lah dengan mulan.. lupa nak invite dia..
ngeh ngeh.

this is my first time bertentang mata dengan mulan... but dah bertime time bertentang mata dengan kak liza.
i clicked with both of them immediately!
like we've known each other for ages dah. gitu.

both of them inspires me.
so focus. so independent. yet so vulnerable. how sexy is that????

saya sampai paling lambat.
makanya urusan pengorderan adalah diserahkan 100% kepada mereka berdua yang pakar...

makanan adalah sedap.
sambal hijau adalah terbaik.
OMG! layan dengan nasi putih saja pun dah meleeellleeeehhh....
owh sedap!

mulan said.. "ayu memang suka senyum & gelak eh??"
i nervous ok... sebab tu lah gelak.
(percaya tak?)


to mulan.. tq so much for the lunch treat..
to both of u kak liza & mulan.. we should be doing this more.. (no mulan, not the treat part..its the meetup part)...
i had fun...
i love talking to people that generates my brain.

love u both!

Blurbings By,


Akmar Amon said...

sangat adore your smile, mak gorgeous!!!

Amiha Ayu said...

blush!!!!!!!!! isk budak ni.. segan ai tau..

adenium said...

ya allah.. ai ingat dah penghujung tahun 2011 dah .. :P