Tuesday, July 20, 2010

hilang ku dicari kah?

echeh tajuk...
buatkan orang ramai rasa nak lempang2 je kan?

anyways, olaaaa people!
miss me?

it's been quite a while since i last wrote something in this blog.
not that i don't have something to blog about.. trust me, i have tons of stories to share..
but somehow, my mood and surroundings and not to mention condition was not at the top to blog.

rindu ok. seriusly.. i miss writing here so much..
yelah.. dah macam routine...
journal pun yer.. diary jauh sekali la..
kalau diary.. for sure blog ni dah di privatekan..
this blog is more on my personal daily journey yang i nak share with semua yang membaca... mana lah tau serba sedikit boleh share apa-apa information yang patut..

but one thing lah.. dah agak kurang enjoy share benda dalam blog ni.
ramai sangat orang yang prejudice...
saya yang sememangnya berjiwa sangat la kecik ni...terganggu la jugak..
kesannya tak seteruk yang saya pernah kena dulu..

sebab, satu, saya dah pernah kena..jadi adalah lebih kental la konon..
dua.. sebab saya surrounded with more great people...
so, i felt great even i'm down or stressed or tensed...apatah lagi kalau tengah happy joy joy..

i think that's the power of making yourself occupied...
but of course, with the people that you're comfortable with and also doing things that you like.

lagipun, sejak dua menjak ni.. terlalu banyak benda yang jadi...
impact paling Ayu terasa is permergian my uncle...
i may looked ok... but deep inside i am not.
the moment Ayu dapat berita tu.. i was stunned.
redha mesti lah redha...
but loosing him.. is indeed a really big lost to me.
the same feeling when i lost nenek 19 years ago.

but, looking back to what ever he once told me..
i must move on..

so i guess... ayu the sun is back..

p/s: siap lah korang baca cerita cerita basi... suka hati i la kaaannn??? :P

Blurbings By,



azimask said...

emmm ayu skunk dan senyap senyup dah.. huhuhuhu...

takpa... janji sihat walafiat...

// klik sinie jom ke blog mimie azimask :D ... //

Anonymous said...

oh kesahnye....

rindulah jgak..tapi nk wat mcm ner hidup mmg mcm ni ayu,bak kata aizat..bagaikan susun silang kata..

attyfir said...

salam ayu ..lama tak baca citer ayu..cepat2 update ye..

Najwa said...


ala ayu... lantak le depa. it's your blog. asal jangan nk offend org purposely udah la... lain2.. katup je mata n tinger. cewah, ye ye je i seorg blogger picisan ni nk bg nasihat.

tak pe la, just hope ayu tabah k. semua yg datang ada hikmahnye. mungkin kita je x nmpak, sbb kdg2 di luar jngkauan akal kita. Dia lebih mngetahui :)

hope to see ur entry more often pasni :)


Lyn Yusoff said...

Miss u too ayu..
nak kacau ayu pun.. tak sedap plak kan..
patutnyer jumpa ayu masa dila kawin ari tuh.. tapi tak dpt plak jumpa...
sorry to hear that...
Anyway.. welcome back dear...