so, ayu cadangkan jumpa the next friday.. without realising that it was my day.
sekali dee seronok2 jerit dalam 'borak tu' yang CONFIRM and ayu tak leh tarik balik or what so ever... hehehehe...
ayu ok jer. sebab memang tak de plan apa pun.
pagi tu pulak, ina sms tanya pegi mana lunch. so, i tag her along.

ke mana kami?
ker Pavillion. Dee ajak makan kat the Grandma's Kitchen.
located betul2 sebelah Celcom Blue kat level 6. naik je lift dari car park tu..senang je jumpa...

sangat tenang and tak bising.
dia ada dua section boleh duduk.
either kat dalam retaurant tu itself or yang kat bahagian luar.
dee booked yang bahagian luar.
and ina got really excited bout it.
(hanya yang ada di sana je tau how excited that mama azlina is.. hiks..)
ayu and ina sampai dulu.. menyusul kemudian is zana and later dee & sis rasp.
derang semua sampai, terus la masing2 place order...

zana ordered chicken chop.
sedap gila okeh! but sumpah besar gila portion dia.
habis satu meja zana kasi pusing... "chicken chop bantuan zana" ala "tabung bantuan zana" gitu kan...
eheheheh... sian zana. but serius sedap. gravy dia pun nice.
kalau sesapa nak pergi, leh la order.

sis rasp lak order ipoh hor fun.
lawak la masa order.. ingatkan dia nak order sekali macam yang kami yang tiga ni order.
sebab yang we all order pun horfun gak.. but lain sikit la..
ye ye muka dia assure waiter tu amik the right order. hehhe.. comel!

and dee, ina & myself lak amik the sang har hor fun.
sedap!!!! tapi kena layan dengan cili kicap dia lah.
lagipun ayu kan memang penggemar noodles and soupy things kan.. so memang sangat memuaskan hati lah...

sambil bergelak.
macam2 topik keluar.
and jugak macam2 soalan diinterview mereka to me.
pasal jodoh..
pasal macam2 lah...
sabaaaarrr jeee laaaahh...

i love the tudungs ni.. ya rabbi rasa macam nak terkam je beli semua...
untuk sesapa yang berminat, ni ha.. zana ada jual tudung2 ni kat her online boutique.
pergilah terjah.. harga adalah sangat reasonable.
but jangan amik semua yer.. tinggal la dua tiga untuk ayu gak.
and so sweet of them getting me a slice of cake.
bukan sebarang cake ok.. my ever favvy chocolate indulgence.
ya allah.. it is truly my day.
nope, they didnt know that its my favvy cake.. so, memang lah rezeki ayu.
kakak kakak...
thanks you so so much for the lovely lunch treat.
u all really made my day lah.
thanks for all the lovely presents too. (this one will be revealed later ye)
i had so much fun!
thanks again.
so yg lain? bila mau makan sini? sedaaaappp.....
ayu thx sudi 'dating' dgn w'ouls...
and thx for the hook! very very useful...i loike it soooo much!
mmg sedap mkn kt situ ayu.. len kali kita jmpe mkn kt sana lg ye..
seronok jmpe korang sume.
what pleasant day kan ;)
feels great n happy bila ayu suka..dee dh riso dh kalo2 restaurant tu x spt yg dee baca di tenet..syukur the others pun suka..leh ar mkn kt situ lagi..x sabar tgu next lunch date..hehehe
nampak cam menarik..
sure cuba nnti...
yummyyy yummyyy
sis rasp:
thnks to u all!!! muah muah!
yup. pasni beli chick chop share berdua.. okie? :P
very pleasant.. :)
eh suka! sangat suka! thanks dee!
mmg menarik..moh la try..
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