Thursday, July 30, 2009

bigD turns 6!

tepat 10.21am on the 30th July, last 6 years, at Pantai Medical Centre, KL...
bigD was born.

the long awaited baby..
our big family bundle of joy...

on your special day..
atie wish and pray the very best for you...
semoga Allah senantiasa melindungi dan memberkati my one and only busuk masyam nih...
semoga Allah jadikan bigD anak yang soleh...
anak yang sentiasa berada di atas landasan NYA..
yang mengikut syarak and sunnah junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW.
amin amin..

may all the happiness the world could offer be with you, always.
no matter what bigD...
your khalati here will love you & lilD eternity...
no one and nothing could change that...

happy 6th sayang..
jom? makan kek!

Blurbings By,


{ Miss Syahira } said...

happy birthday to big d.

semoga panjang umur, murah rezki.
diberi kesihatan n kesenangan.
hidup ceria n bahagia kekal dunia akhirat.
cerdas dan cergas.
menjadi anak yg soleh serta kebanggaan keluarga.


lily lotus said...

happy besday dear lil boy! happy2 selalu yer...

Alamfanacinta said...

hepi bday to u bigD...:)

Intan and The Boys said...

happy birthday bigD!

rasp said...

hepi b'day to you
hepi b'day to you
hepi b'day to big D
hepi b'day to you.......

aunty doakan yg terbaik buat big D ya...

hugs & smoooch!!

adenium said...

heppi besday bigD...heppi besday danish.....

Dee said...

happy 6th birthday to bigD!

Mama Azlina said...

heppy birthday abang danish...from adik fara..hehehhehe...alhamdulillah..dah besar dah anak bujang nie...semakin hensem laks...heheheheh