Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to the one I love....

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear teta...
happy birthday to you....

dear teta (this is what i call her - to be explained later),
happy 39th...
since that today is ur day... i pray that Allah will grant you with the very best.
best of iman.
best of faith.
best of health.
best of wealth.
i love you teta.
having you as my sis completes my life.
i dont need another sis.
i dont need a brother.
just you.
and i'll be fine.
you & mom will always be my pillars of strenght.
i adore you.. since then till now.
yes, obviously we're so different in so many ways..
but again, thats what makes us unique and makes us experience and treasure each other.
in other terms, tak de kisah nak berebut apa pun.. sebab taste segala semuanya LAIN. :)
things has gone wildly different.
we're no more kids.
masing2 dah adults......
but deep inside...
i still want you to treat me like your little sister..
ta, at times, i hate adultry..
all i want is to go back to out childhood and stays there.
but you'll always makes me realise and go back to basis.
we might not be perfect, but alhamdulillah, we're COMPLETE.

so today, is your day.
i want you to enjoy each moment, k?

i love you ta...
always and forever..

i hope u'll the present i got for you..



Azie.Fauzi said...

happy bday to teta jugak..

kwn ayu ke??atau kakak??senyum nak sama dah tuh..

Intan and The Boys said...

happy birthday teta!

Intan and The Boys said...

happy birthday teta!

Me, Mrs Taj said...

39??? tak mcm late 30s pun..mcm early 30s..biar betol...

anyway happy birthday to u sis teta!

Suzana Ikram said...

selamat ulangtahun wat teta..
moga pjg umur dan d murahkn rezeki.. AMIN

Nukilan ida said...

comey nyerr dua2...macam bleh jadik model!

Diana-k said...


naakkk jugakk kan..


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday TETA...

Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki ya...

Unknown said...

Thanx thanx thanx sume (Mummy Mera, PuteriKure, Me Mrs Taj, Ikiq Zana, Just Call Me Ida, Diana k, Mummysya, etc etc n my 1 and only sis yg tersayang Ayu).

Yup, as I grow older (yes "Me Mrs Taj" I turned 39 today and I am so looking forward to 40nx year!! Yey yey here I come!!) Amin dgn doa u gals. All I hope dat semakin usia byk ni, I hope to be sentiasa dlm keberkatan dan lindungan Nya. Amin. Honestly, after turning 35 few years back I have felt more contented spiritually, emotionally and spiritually. Mungkin sbb tu nampak muda kot kah3 (jgn marah Me Mrs Taj). Beza we all dua beradik (Ayu n me) 9 years plus plus = 10.

Btw, Teta means Kakak. In Arab.

Ayu, thanx so much. I love u too with all my heart!! No doubt. N of coz I love ur present. The paper bag especially haha. Poyo kan....

Mama Azlina said...

happy birthday teta...semoga allah panjangkan usia and murahkan rezeki...bila nak tambah anak lagi nie...? cukup ke both Ds tue..?muda lagi nie...

sugarshay said...

hey,me love mak teta too~
nway,happy bday mak teta!!!

Adry said...

Happy Birthday for her... hope all the best...

Adry @

Fieza a.k.a ibu Qaisz + Dayana + Anas said...

Happy belated besday to kawan akak gak..hehehe

Khas Lysha said...

happy belated bday teta ..

moga dipanjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki.. ;)

daela said...

happy birthday tuk kakak kak ayu...hehhehe...

Dee said...

happy birthday to your sis..ayu..comel je dia eh..may all her wishes come true..

Diana-k said...

muahahahahaahhaaha.... tetibe tergelak..

uhuk uhuk..batuk...

rasp said...

hepi b'day to teta ....

Lisa717 said...

awww~~ both of you look alike!! Like twins!!!