Friday, May 8, 2009

bila birthday girl open table..

haa... tu hadiah apa tuh?
ok... cerita ini adalah telah diperam dari 24hb Apr yer..
yes! dah 3 minggu cerita ni berlalu.
kekdahnya.. tunggu birthday women ni buat entry dulu.. baru la aci.

anyways, Ina's selaku birthday girl, dah invite awal2 few of her close friends untuk lunch dengan dia on her birthday tu.
tak yah jauh2.. yang penting nak berjumpa nak melepak tu kan?
so, kami g lunch kat dekat2 jer....
dulu, Ina satu division ngan ayu, different department la.. but now, dia dah division lain.

we went to SecretRecipe. layan lunch set. terbaik la! sebab, that day ialah TomYam noodle...

sementara tunggu meal sampai, adik2 Ina at her current division bagi la kat dia their personalised birthday card for her.
cantik kan?
she was so excited and happy dengan card tu...

before we enjoy our meal, mcm biasa, sessi penderaan birthday girl mesti la nak kena ada kan??
we ordered her fav, brownies wit icecream and mintak candle.
and of course, lepas tu dera dia blow candles while kami menyanyi sekuat hati.
nasib ko la naaaa... kan?

and last but not least.. our picture...
Na, happy birthday yer. yang keberapa? 18 konon... 3* kan kan kan? ahhahaa...
anyways, may Allah blessed you and your family, not only today but all the year through.
thnks for the lunch and hope you like the present.
semoga Allah perluaskan lagi rezeki you & your family.. amin.


A.R.E.L.E.E.Z.A.F.F.E.N.D.Y said...

hepi besday to ur fren too..! ;)

Me, Mrs Taj said...

Happy Birthday to Ina (walaupun kite tak kenal hehehe)

oooo tomyam noodle kat Resipi Rahsia mmg besh kn? arghhhh...kepingin nk mkn skang jgk!

Adry said...

Happy Birthday to Mama Azlina!!

Mama Azlina said...

hi mrs taj: sedap kan? tapi yg paling sedap kat situ is the brownies with vanilla ice cream..make sure the brownies tue panas yea..baru sedap..yum..yum..

hi adry: thank you..thank you...

ayu...pandai tul ko simpan gambar aku sampai aku kuarkan entry..kalu tak kuarkan entry camana? hehehhe

Dee said...

Happy Birthday Mama Azlina!! Ayu cantik pakai kuning..kad tu da bomblah!!