Tuesday, March 17, 2009

THE LIL CALIPH (TLC) !! ~ the contest

ok meh adik akak abang pakcik makcik segala orang lah. meh nak kasi cerita skets..
macam biasa, salah satu routine wajib, mesti kena jengah blog ketua perkampungan merah... merangkap konduktor Bas Merah. sekali kak red ada sticky mode baru laaa.... ada contest la.. contest JV lagik tuh.. between RedMummy.Com & TheLilCaliph.Com.
(seepp sket kak red... ehheheheheh...)

tapi, tak straight away baca ok.. harus g link TheLilCaliph (TLC) dulu...(selalu macam tu la, I will check the link first baru usha apa yang KakRed ceritakan..)

bila check out link tu.. leka weeii... sebab banyak product2 khas untuk babies, toddlers, mothers & mothers to be..
since that i am currently surrounded with golongan2 mothers and mothers to be, and kebetulan pulak memang tengah nak cari something for Farezah (alamak! kantoi sudah..layankan lah ye babe.. i know you're ready this and yes, I am eyeing something for you & bb Borneo *wink*), so... memang lama lah dok melepak browsing kat TLC.

tapi... selain nak cari barang.. might as well, i took the opportunity to enter the contest kan? not only i can find something for my best friend, but, i can also stand a chance winning a holiday kaaann?? mana la tau rezeki.. siapa tau kan???

ni ha kat bawah ni, is the details on the contest... meh la korang.. blogger2 seantero... moh le try gak masuk... (ni ajak2 ayam jer wei... if not, rugi lah my chance.. ahhahaha)

1. The Contest is open to anyone who owns and writes a blog publicly.
2. Bloggers must include the Big Contest Logo (just right click, copy and paste, or click
here) on their blog entry to be qualified.
3. Bloggers must also ensure that they mentioned TheLilCaliph.com with a link back to the webstore, and finally drop a comment here with a trackback of their entry/blog after every postings.
4. Your blog can be written in English or Malay only.
5. This contest is open from 1st January 2009 to 31st March 2009.
6. Any participation that follows the rules above will be counted as an entry.
7. Bloggers are allowed to send in as many entries as they like, however, only bloggers who put up more than 5 entries a month are eligible to win the Grand Prize.
8. There’s only one (1) prize will be given to one blogger, no matter how many blogs you own.
9. Winners are judged based on the most creative way of promoting TheLilCaliph.com on their blog sites. The blog with the most hits stands a bigger chance to win.
10. The winners will be selected after the contest ends and shall be announced on our TLC Blog by 6th April 2009.
11. The holiday prizes are solely on accomodation in Hotel rooms for 2 adults + 2 children only. Winners must provide their own means of transportation and everything else related.
12. The accomodation is valid until 31st December 2009, and subject to 2 months prior booking.
13. Prizes are not exchangeable, transferable or redeemable for cash for whatever reason. However, the winner of the Grand Prize is allow to exchange their international to local holiday with a written request. We will honour the exchange to 4D3N to Langkawi, Redang or Tioman Islands.
14. The Organizer reserves the right to amend, delete or add to the above Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice

ha! tempting kan?

lebih tempting bila dapat tau from Kak Red's entry yang if i am a reader of RM (which means, yang dapat tau pasal contest tu from RM ler...), memang dah confirm ada satu tempat kemenangan itu milik reader RM!!!!!

haaa.... ni habaq mai lah yer... sesungguhnya saya memenuhi syarat ni... tempek syarat2 TLC and also RM reader.. meh nak kenyet mata skest kat juri.. hiks!

all in all.. jom la korang h layan TLC... best la web dia.. ai laiikeee... pasni, kalau ada sedara mara banak ker... dak2 kecik birthday ker.. harus nyopping situ jer.. sebab ada banyak branded items yang amat berguna not only beneficial for the mother but also for the child...

apa pun.. wish me luck people! muah muah!

p/s: tengah berfikir2 nak layan buat marathon entry on TLC ke tak... any suggestion?

credit: official contest from The Lil Caliph & got to know from RedMummy.Com


Aien cute said...

erm.. contest yang menarik. Percutian lagi tu! selalunya lynn just dengar nama kak red dari ceera. Pernah jumpa ngan kak red masa wedding ceera. Tapi segan nak masuk blog dia...

Naper eks!

Ada Dalina said...

wahh...cam menariks jerr...hehhehe

rasp said...

sis haruslah u buat marathon entry kan coz syaratnye yg no. 7 tu kan..gud luck sis, kalo menang, bawa lah i kihkihkihkih

kojah said...

akak, ada tag tau
