Monday, September 29, 2008

tag by Fiona ~ the handbag revealed

The Instruction...

So, here's what you need to do :~

Find a safe quiet place free of significant other, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general. Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile. ~ alamak! kita susun la.. kira ok la ek Fiona?

Take a photo of your handbag and the contents.

Be brave and explain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag.

Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves.

Answer these questions :~

Describe the contents of your handbag.

1. Purse

~ normal things like my IC, driving license, lotssaa member cards, ATM cards, credit cards, some money and sampah sarap! :P

2. my DigiCam and mobile

~ i would say dat most bloggers (or, all bloggers) would at least have a camera phone, kan?

i ALWAYS have my beloved T10 digicam and my W880i sony ericsson mobile kemana sajer... just dat the mobile phone.. kalau kat rumah or with family mmg silent je manjang... bcoz, i am the official driver at home ok.. tak kan lah nak berblue tooth 24 hours! :P

3. pen
~ a must have! i dont know why.. but somehow.. it will definitely be useful when i need it.. :)

4. the small gadgets...
~ my reader, my adapters & thumbdrives... saje je tunjuk satu je thumbdrive kat situ.. hakikat nya, ada 3 bijik! :P maaalluu!!!

5. the kaler muka
~ of course lah makeups.. basic only.. eyeliner, gloss, matte lippy and earth tone eye shadow.. senang if apa2 hal.. leh masuk with sume kaler & occasion.. :)

6. tissue
~ ada kat gamba atas sekali tu ha.. i prefer dat type of tissue.. tak kisah la giant brand ker.. watsons brand ker.. yg gamba pooh & friends ker.. yg penting.. yg packing cam tu.. hehehehee

so, now..
i wuld like to tag...
Kak Elly

AyU's CoPyRiGhT ©


ana said...

kata ade sampah sarap skali..
xde pun gambar samoah..
malu ek!!!

eLLy said...

okey darling.. nanti akak buat ye,

lepas raya boleh?

lilRed Farah said...

hahahah dah agak dah ...sure kena... hampun je lah ye... ai tak pakai henbeg!!! smue readers ai tahu.... hiks!~

fezarena said...

hehehe...nnt akan ku buat lah..cuma nak tanya lah kan...kalo handbag byk, nak pilih mcm mana??...hehehe...