she's a single mother to three young ladies ( no more kidos )... boleh ek..cerita pasal dia skets? kita agak close ngan sepupu yang sorang ni.. sbbnya, dia lambat dapat anak, so, since i am the youngest cousin, kehulu kehilir memang with them lah.. time tu, kita darjah satu ke darjah dua gitu lah...
cousin kita nih, husband dia meninggal mengejut.. 7 years ago.. masa tu, their youngest daughter baru darjah 5.. no dua, darjah 6 and eldest form 2...
dia mulanya demam biasa jer on friday night.. nampak lebih kronik & ubat pun asyik keluar balik je the very next morning. the youngest girl, called me up crying telling that she's so sad looking at her babah. yes, they are close to me too...
after consoling her, like about 5 mins, my cousin pulak yang kol. dia mintak tolong me & mom datang amik kan youngest sbb taxi x muat nak naik. she needs to bring her hubby to SJMC emergency and the two eldest will accompany her.
secepat kilat me & mom amik youngest daughter and terus ke emergency SJMC. perjalanan ni semua dalam masa 20 min lah dah sampai SJMC. my cousin sume and anak2 lain baru sampai dalam 5 mins there.
doc tak tau nak buat apa as the body tak terima langsung nak masukkan jarum drip tu.. dia dh dehydrate sebab asyik perging. and, he turns blueish..
terus kena bawak pegi ICU untuk rawatan rapi. sampai ICU, my cousin tak di benarkan berada kat sisi husband dia.. mom insisted that the wife should be there through out the procedures. dalam pada mom baru nak jumpa doc & etc, the doc came out from the ICU door and call for my cousin's name.
yes, that the big news. he's gone.
she screamed her husband's name & fainted.
kita dengan dia waktu and terus pangku dia..and anak2 dia datang berlari asking me why & etc. mom dah straight masuk dalam and sis kejut kan my cousin.
and all her three daughters was around me asking me what happen. tak dapat nak di bayang kan mcmmana perasaan kita waktu. yelah, nak menyampaikan berita yang sebegitu to the kids.
and yes, dengan lafaz bismillah... i only managed to spill.. "babah dah tak de sayang.."
and its just total silence.. only after few seconds where they started crying and hugged me real tight.
since then... my cousin worked from home. she resigned and work from home in order for her to pay 200% attention to the kids.
its not easy for her. yelah, dia yang menanggung.. kami, cuma dapat membantu mana yang patut sahaja...
after 7 years, alhamdulillah.. now, all 3 daughters kat Uni. KakLong UITM, 2nd one kat UUM and the youngest kat UIAM.
Alhamdulillah... i am very sure their babah will be really proud of them...
so, anyways.. back to the so called business story...
dia buat from home jer.. cake batik & frozen sardine roll..
alahai meleleh air mata baca kesah dia.. sangat sedih.. :( dia betul2 wanita yg tabah!
kek batik tu nampak sedaplah!
a'ah la kjah.. lme giler crik kek tuh...
da lme tol x mkn....
khas lysha - dia mmg tabah.. insyaAllah... kek batik tu mmg sodap! :)
afiq - welcome afiq.. best kek tu ooo... :)
kak ayu..kembang2 idung kite tahan nangis ni baca n3 akak...sadis nya!!!!
kpd sesapa yg baca n3 n comment ni..nk bgtau..mmg sedap la srdine roll ni..xtipu..masa tgh goreng dh boley bau harum roll ni..
mmg respect abislah kt akak tu..kalo diri sndiri yg kene,mampu ke nk face bnda ni sorang????
wah gigih dia besokan anak2 dia ek...aku respect siot...sdp betul la sardine roll dia aku suka..harus nanti aku nak neray kek batik lps raya nok
buyut gurl - tu la ana... allah tolong dia untuk terus tabah.. lagipun, allah duga apa yang kita mampu tanggung kan.. cuma, cara kita nak handle je mcm mana...
ita - nak neray kek batik? okeh bos! ada sepanjang tahun... :)
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