quoting Shifa... "for the car that we're so dependent to, will never be untouched so long, but, its only 3 weeks..i feel the pain too babe."
anyways, bak kata *yezzer*, "tak pe lah, doakan jer org tu insaf & won't buat kat org lain pulak".. alahai...
so, sejuk lah saya. hhehee...
anyways, i was pretty much worry actually... banyak expenses aka RM yg kuar lately.. since 2008 ni... x termasuk my planned holiday with mom... i've been dreaming on bringing mom somewhere this year and insyaAllah, if takde aral, June ni, terbanglah kami.. :)
so, bila WaHaB jadi mcm tu, sedih tau... nak spend lagik... :(
but alhamdulillah.... balik keje ari ni, dapat cheque...
cheque hasil WaHaB lama...
alhamdulillah and sonotnya!
kes dengki tuh
caper lah dah yg calarkan tuh ek
x bek nah aaa dengkikan org neh
tu la zie comey... sedih tau masa kena tu... sepanjang malam x leh tido...sbb geram sangat... :)
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