Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dengan penuh kasih.. :D

Kalau tengok kat previous post nampak kat my bigD macam mengheret something... :D
Dia adalah mengheret birthday present for me from mereka whole family.. 

I was shocked sebab it was a huge box!
berdebar ok.. bila dah tua2 ni berdebar dapat hadiah.

 a big giant box
a barbie paper bag (i hope lilD tak recycle with the one i gave her hahaa)
and a birthday card with my fav character of angry bird drew by bigD and hearts drew by lilD

mari kita mulakan dengan the birthday card dahulu...

just for the record.. i am enjoying very bit of it..


and besides the one in the card, the four of them personally wrote a note for me..

who's kitty?
you guys will kenal kitty real soon...

next, kita bukak present from lilD pulak..
dia dah la duduk je mengadap Ayu.. so kena bukak her presents first...

dengan ucapan.......

"nice kan atie? please bring this to office so that you can drink with it"

(my long ok was after a super long thought)

and she smiled happily soon after.

and the box!
guess whats in it...

cepat!!! leh guess x??


i love it!
i love it!
i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but mom hates it!

"lepas ni jangan tak dengar mak panggil turun ye....." (sambil jeling tajam)

terus bukak testing segala..
tak menyempat macam tu lah kan...

and so before i angkut everything naik to my room and susun setup segala..
peresenting to you guys...


Blurbings By,



Dee said...

dee ingat kitty hidup betul..hahaha..kalo dee bujang pun dee suka lah ngan cd player tu..mmg layan lagu jelah jwbnya..huhu..

Madam Casper said...

best!!! btw Kitty tu hensem la..erkkk apa gendernya?

rasp said...

let me jez imagine u sipping ur morning drink kat opis guna gelas barbie tu...
auwww sweet hehehehhehe...

p/s : my sapphire saw kitty "eh eh ibu, sama lah kitty kawan ibu dgn i punya" yup they have the same 'kitty'

rasp said...

let me jez imagine u sipping ur morning drink kat opis guna gelas barbie tu...
auwww sweet hehehehhehe...

p/s : my sapphire saw kitty "eh eh ibu, sama lah kitty kawan ibu dgn i punya" yup they have the same 'kitty'

Mama Azlina said...

comelnya..kitty tue...
aku ingat ko dah bela kucing betul..hehehehe

cute sangat commentnya tue...
so, ko dah start guna cawan dia tak?