tu dia! tetiba our family clinic Dr Siva's ni masuk my blog kann?? hik hik hik..
ok, ni ialah panel clinic BIL's biz merangkap panel clinic family saya.
we love this clinic sebab dia akan bagi solution and ubat dia power and dia bukan jenis doctor yang typical tanya "apa sakit?" or "what do i have here.."..
dia akan tanya what happen and bgtau kita, kita sakit apa lepas dia check.
let say, me & mom demam. dia akan bagi ubat yg lain2 sebab ikut age & level demam tu. gitu.
bukannya main taram bagi sama je ubat and end up datang balik clinic 80 juita kali.
satu jer tak best.. dia tak jadi panel kat untuk tempat saya bekerja..huuhhu..sedih!
but, it was quite a surprise to know kenapa dia tarik diri dari jadi panel my workplace.. pam pam paaammm......
anyways, we're here one weekend tu untuk lilD amik nebuliser.
sis tak penah start any antibiotics lagi untuk anak2 dia... dia nak immune system derang lawan penyakit.. and doctor pun tak advise la cepat sangat bagi budak2 ni antibiotics.
so, kalau batuk/flu yang agak teruk, memang Dr Siva akan opt for nebuliser untuk cairkan kahak budak2 nih..
dia x sedut segala tu.. dia lagi prefer kasi nebuliser.
nebulizer is a device used to administer medication to people in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs. It is commonly used in treating cystic fibrosis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases.
There are different types of nebulizer, although the most common are the jet nebulizers, which are also called "atomizers"[1]. Jet nebulizers are connected by tubing to a compressed air source that causes air or oxygen to blast at high velocity through a liquid medicine to turn it into an aerosol, which is then inhaled by the patient.
As a general rule, doctors most commonly prescribe metered-dose inhalers for their patients, largely because these are more convenient and portable than nebulizers. However, jet nebulizers are commonly used in hospital settings for patients who have difficulty using inhalers, such as in serious cases of respiratory disease, or severe asthma attacks[2].
Newer, compact electronic nebulizers are also available[3].
There are different types of nebulizer, although the most common are the jet nebulizers, which are also called "atomizers"[1]. Jet nebulizers are connected by tubing to a compressed air source that causes air or oxygen to blast at high velocity through a liquid medicine to turn it into an aerosol, which is then inhaled by the patient.
As a general rule, doctors most commonly prescribe metered-dose inhalers for their patients, largely because these are more convenient and portable than nebulizers. However, jet nebulizers are commonly used in hospital settings for patients who have difficulty using inhalers, such as in serious cases of respiratory disease, or severe asthma attacks[2].
Newer, compact electronic nebulizers are also available[3].
These nebulizers, such as the Pari eFlow, the Resironics i-Neb, the Omron MicroAir series, and the Aerogen Aeroneb, use vibration of membranes or meshes to produce the aerosol and are more portable since they do not need the compressed air source that accompanies jet nebulizers. However, electronic nebulizers are more expensive. Piezoelectric nebulizers are used in electronic cigarettes.
lilD & bigD memang dah sangat biasa la ngan treatment Dr Siva nih. dia layan derang dengan baik.. tu yang apa Dr Siva soh buat, derang buat jer..
si lilD siap ajar pulak kat we all macam mana nak sedut asap tu..
siap dia pesan kalau nanti kena buat, tutup mata sebab asap tu pedih kalau masuk mata.. hehehe..
when i ask her apa rasa nebuliser tu... dengan jujur dia je dia cakap.. dia rasa sejuk & pahit skets.. so lah comeyl! :P
tu dia.. penunggu setia lilD... abang nya dah bosan berdiri, layan duduk.. last sekali, dia baring! :)
budak ni, bezanya dia ngan abang dia.. dia tak takut ubat & tak takut heights.
jangan abangnya.. kalau ubat, jenuh nak kena berupah bagai or siap bawak medicine pegi playground semua.. baru lah jalan...
ni baru dua anak sedara.. dah lain2 pangai...
imagine lah orang yang ada anak sampai 10 , 12 orang...
macam mano nak layan tu?
p/s: sesapa yang duduk or selalu lalu lalang (kasi kenyit mata skets kat budak ni ) are KelanaJaya, adalah digalakkan pegi clinic Dr Siva ni. tetiba pomot kaaann??? :P
semoga lilD cepat sembuh..
~ muka BigD tuh nampak sangat agak cuak. rupanya takut ubat ekh...
so cute la LilD tuh. besar nanti mesti cun melecun nih. ~
bagus lil D .. berani utk kesihatan!!.. ;)
terus glamor klinik Dr siva ko nie dik.. mana muka DR Siva jiii the bosss ;)
nebuliser? uishh klu gi clinic mesti dgr budak2 nangis kena nebuliser..patutla tak best, pahit rupenya!
kak ty - hehhee...
amy - tu lah pasal amy..cuak ada makna tuh..
khas - berani untk yg lelain pun dia jugak khas.. hhehhe
kak elly - segan nak snap depan dia kak.. handsome oooo..
mrstaj - tu la.. pahit.. :)
wahhhhh adiknya lagi terer nih..kalah abang nih...tapi doc Mia pun dulu pernah cakap (masa dia dlm NICU)..walaupun nampak budak lelaki lasak tapi hakikatnya budak perempuan lebih kuat dr segi mental...
rose - ye ke babe? i setuju la ngan doc mia tuh.. girl power! :)
keciannyerr kecik2 da kena nebuliser..
p/s : kak,klinik ni loctn yg tul2 kt ne..sy nk gie la..
i pun ada nephew yang ada athma nih... penah gak tgk dia buat nebuliser nih...
hopefully nti budak2 tu xperlukan nebuliser ni lagi...
semoga segalanya kembali spt biasa yaa..
anak buah aku si irfan tuh asma..
dari umur 11 bulan lagik..
sampai skang
kul 2-3 pagi bawak g spital sedut tuh adalah biasa..
kadang kalo tgk dia guna inhaler kat umah time asma.. leh buat bergenang air mata ooo sedih tgk
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