Saturday, November 5, 2011

Arafah... :) Subhanallah!

Received text message from my dear cousin brother:

"Salam. If u recollect, the pilgrims are all preparing & psyching themselves up for the climax at Arafah tomorrow. Let's pray for their safety, well being and pray Allah will accept their Hajj and make easy for them just like when others made duaa for us. Jzkk"

Tears flowing on my cheek...
Memories of Arafah 5 years ago.. Flashing clearly in my mind now...
Ya Allah.. The most beautiful priceless memory ever....

Its a jihaad.
It still feels like a dream that I actually has gone through it. MasyaAllah....

It was the most beautiful feeling ever.
Apa yang penting...
Setiap kita ada bahagian masing2 ketika menjadi tetamunya...

Yang penting.. Jangan dengar cakap orang. Mendengar cerita, jadikan pengajaran dan istighfar banyak2...

Ya Allah...
Permudahkan segala ibadat and urusan para jemaah haji sekalian...
Ampunilah dosa kami semua..
Bimbinglah kami semua kejalan mu Ya Allah...
Lindungilah anak cucu kami, zuriat kami, bakal zuriat kami... Dari segala jenis kemungkaran dan kejahatan...
Tetapkan, imarahkan iman kami Ya Allah....

Ya Rabbal 'Alamin..

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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