Friday, March 20, 2009

Away sekejap from the stress...

Ni yang buat sayang sangat dengan korang tau.
Thanx ye wit all your comments kat previous entry.
This morning, ayu ada meeting kat tempat lain,keluar dari punca stress ku.

Yes korang,its about work. I handle stress very well. You can ask people who are close to me. But,this time,it has gone overboard.

Special thanx to all my blogger friends, my GBM yg always keep me entertain and awake and my Farezah for always being there.

I'll be ok,insyaallah.


fezarena said...


aku xnyempat jerk nak komen sejak internet umah aku dah mengong nie...

anyway, ko nmpk dah kurus sikit lah....dietkah?...:)

rasp said...

hai gorjes! i know dalam keayuan tu ada ketabahan, kecekalan dan pemikiran yg 'waras' utk handle all the 'curve balls' take care and you know kan, ramai yg love you and support u!

smooooooccchhhh & hugs!

Intan and The Boys said...

ho yeahhh.
pi release tension ye yang.
slamat berhujung minggu!


Dee said... lif yg buat dee nmpk gemok tu eh..eeeee..x suker...

take ur time to settle everything ye..

malinasiam said...

stres sempat lagik bergambor yer, hishhhh

Unknown said...

sabar eh jgn stres stres dong

Anonymous said...

r u okay dear!!!!

Miss you lah, dah lama tak chit chat kan.

Anonymous said...

Beb, u look slimmer now!! Jaga badan eh? :)

Anonymous said...

jgn stress2...

Anonymous said...

phewitt! cantik baju ;)

*SiRibenMerah said...

I baru sampai tuan umah da away la pulakkkk~

♥Syamelia♥ said...

u take care ya ayu...
don't get 2 stressed up...
go somewhere, release tension, then come back fresh...

be strong, girl..
coz i know u are...

keep the faith
may the force be with u...


Khas Lysha said...

relex dulu yer.. bg hilang stress.. ;)

attyfir said...

hi ayu...jgn stress sgt ye.sabar ye..
apa pun ayu so sweet in baju kurung..

kojah said...

kakkkkkkkkk, epi always tau...jgn stress2 dong...=)

eLLy said...

fuuyooo .. cun la gambor nie
ala ala executive gitew!

Mama Azlina said...

yu..jgn stress sgt...nanti makan diri...
u looks slim works okay, our project..hehehheheh

Amiha Ayu said...

ayusolo - dietkah? stress wei..stress..

rasp - thnks sis! *hugs*

intan - same to u yang.. muah muah!

dee - haah sis..the same lift..

momguess - stress relief, brgambar tu..

jivebums - okie dokie!

mummysya - ok kot.. haah kan? tula internet ofis prob.. memalam je i sempat baca blog, x smpat tinggal jejak..

anis - r u sure? ko salah tgk kot..

idza - insyaAllah..

lily - aww...thnkies.. ;)

riben merah - away pun x jauh mana...

kak amy - thnks kak! u too, k? muah muah!

khas - ok!

kak ty - thnks kak.. nape ayu x leh bukak blog akak & nurul ek?

kojah - insyaAllah.. ;)

kak elly - ada2 je akak ni tau.. hiks!

ina - project 008! ahhahahaaa