Friday, February 29, 2008

jalan2 kat chow kit - board

me & sis gelak cam org gilak baca benda nih...
cuba korang telek benda ni betul2.. dia dh tulis in BM kan? pastu, in English kat bawah... so, obviously, its a dwi-language board.
tapi PERLU ker statement yg last tu?
"And Also Written In Malay Above All"
what the heck?


sis just got back from Jakarta...
and she got me this...


p/s: matilah aku nak carik bday present dia tahun nih... jahat tau..suka set high high... :P

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jaya, Seksyen 14, PJ

this is how Jaya looks like now. it has stopped its operation since last 2 weeks. when i parked here to go to DigitalMall, i feel so sad. really really sad.
i was stunned when we passed by the use to be cold storage. to my surprise, sis also felt sad.
yelah, sejak kecik... ni jelah yg we know. apa sikit, Jaya. beli buku skolah, Jaya. Carik barang, Jaya. Nak McD, KFC, Pizza ------------ Jaya.
now, Jaya has gone. the building has been bought by i don't know who and all the premises inside scaterred around Jaya33, Jaya32 and Jaya31. tak best!
Jaya ni lah yg jadi saksi zaman kegemilangan REALITY dulu...zaman balik sekolah... zaman lepak Jaya.. zaman main game... zaman duduk bersila hanya untuk gossip, zaman study group...zaman di ngorat & mengorat.. macam2 lah... haiyo... Jaya is now gone...
people come here just to go to DigitalMall... tmpt ni dh jadi sesak semacam....
sedih la.....

moving towards the leap year celebration...

tomorrow is 29th February 2008.
the day that show itself only once in 4 years... the leap year...
so tomorrow, office buat makan2 breakfast... big boss sponsor pulak tuh...ntah apa la mimpi dia.. :P

and buat sekian kalinya..esok my cousin's wife celebrate her birthday.. bak kata dia "KakAna baru sepuluh tahun esok, baru 10 times celebrate my birthday through out my life", when I asked how old will she be tomorrow.

hahaha.. she's funny, she's jolly, she's loveable...and she's GILA! :P

i look forward for tomorrow's event coz it will be in the morning. bayang lah... mana ade org buat breakfast party?

we do...


nak tau? x sampai 3 minggu... WaHaB baru dh kena calar. kat parking... so, x tau sapa yg buat...
quoting Shifa... "for the car that we're so dependent to, will never be untouched so long, but, its only 3 weeks..i feel the pain too babe."

anyways, bak kata *yezzer*, "tak pe lah, doakan jer org tu insaf & won't buat kat org lain pulak".. alahai...
so, sejuk lah saya. hhehee...

anyways, i was pretty much worry actually... banyak expenses aka RM yg kuar lately.. since 2008 ni... x termasuk my planned holiday with mom... i've been dreaming on bringing mom somewhere this year and insyaAllah, if takde aral, June ni, terbanglah kami.. :)

so, bila WaHaB jadi mcm tu, sedih tau... nak spend lagik... :(

but alhamdulillah.... balik keje ari ni, dapat cheque...
cheque hasil WaHaB lama...

alhamdulillah and sonotnya!

my wahab..mybirthday

bagusnya jam nih, makes me menelek segala yg ade disekeliling...
so, terserempak dgn my b'day's date... Nov 13...

punca jam

pagi tadi.. heran sangat.. apsal la kuar awal pun jam jugak? my BFF Farezah pun siap tersangkut all the way kat PJ Hilton nun.. i don't know why lah babe... it's just bad jam...semput je all the way...

tapi, kat dgn JalanTunRazak, ade accident...
yg peliknya, its on the other side of the road...

heeeeeem... camner tuh?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

driver 'luar'

nampak dat car? mencilok dgn penuh angkuh nya.. dia pilih2 kete... dia mmg carik women driver... dia nak str8 jer at first, tapi tetiba jer dia emergency break and trus rapat kanan. sian org belakang dia..sama2 emergency break...

as u can see, there's about 6 of them in dat mpv. sumenya org luar. x hormat negara org langsung...

dats the plate number. beware k?

sangat ganas la derang... muka cam samseng jer.... :{

semalam saya sibuk.. hari ni pun saya sibuk..

bz la... x sempat nak update..
balik rumah nnt la update k?


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

hari ni hari sibuk lagik..
hari2 sangat sibuk...
tak larat dah rasa...
sumer nak kena pikir...
tak larat lah...
sangat2 x larat...

tapi x per, setiap hari, adalah pelajaran terindah untuk kita kan?

anyways, Happy Birthday to my dear cousinZ and nephewH..
may Allah blessed you with iman, blessed rezk & faithful life..amin,

Monday, February 25, 2008

today...hari ini

i started my day quite early today. i was excited to meet my both Ds and sis. but, apa lah guna bangun awal kan? depa dok tidoq lagi... so, mula la iron baju keje pun cam mak minah lenggang... slow mo gegila.. hhahaha...
what ever it is, mmg i need to go to work ASAP today. i aim to finish the most banyak cekadak report by today jugak sblm boss terchenta melalak... :}
so, by 7:15am dh kuar rumah dah... believe it or not.. jalan jam ok...? jalan jam.. hangin trus! usually, if i go out early, it wouldn't be that bad... but, it's just almost as same as if i go out at 8am...hampehs!
sampai ofis trus ngadap pc sampai la lunch... pala otak pikir report & *yezzer* sajer.... aiyo...
hoping dat he will be thinking bout me too... siap la kalau dia tetiba leh pikir org lain lak.. harus mucung!
pastu, kul 1 lunch ngan kakzai... sangap la layan report ni...:(
banyak la adjustmentnya... nama pun kuli kan.. haih...
anyways, ade good news.. our bowling challenge dh dpt banyak sambutan, alhamdulillah... syok oooo!!!!
k la.. it's 4:45pm and i have 1 more hour to tutup buku ngan report ini... final touch up bebeh!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

my sunday

i know... i've been blogging i guess the whole day...hahahaaa..

habis sume yg lam draft kuarkan ari nih... sebetulnya upload pic cam ader prob..super lembabs... so, asyik tangguh. so decided to tuka sume date to today and amik ko sekali gus post pagi tadik... nak tunggu wat kat rumah gak kan? baru la nak jadik...

hari ni... masih lari bosan tahap max sbb both Ds tak de... bosan gilleh!

pagi tadi, g Puchong kasi bersih area rumah & lepak2 lam one unit... mom punyer tanah lot kat sini dia wat rumah sewa..4, kalau nak lari dari rumah jap... we all mmg akan lari sini...very the kampung...

tapi, tak lawan balik kampung betul2 la kan?

cabut2 rumput sket.... bakar2 sampah sket....

hitam muka!

dh la mmg gelap... makin gelap lah...


macam2 hal

i've been blog hopping like bertahun2 sudah....
i've been in this blogging world jugak sudah bertahun2...
sapa2 yg kenal aku jugak bertahun2 will know pasal nih...

to date, i have 13 blogs already, tapi, kerana sesuatu & krn nak mulakan hidup baru, i've deleted all of it... i deleted each one with tears...

setiap satu, cerita pasal lain2... pasal my best friends, pasal my life, pasal my family..

i am a loner... susah aku ni nak luahkan what i feel kat org2 yg aku sayang...sbb aku x mo serabutkan kepala derang...
dari zaman kena wat html code sendirik...sampai la zaman main drag2 je nih... sumenya aku dh immune sgt dgn dunia blogging nih....

my rakan se blogger... ala2 rakan seperjuangan pun, hanya few je yg masih setia memblogkan diri... ada lah lam 2-3 org compared to 12-13 org zaman kat uni dulu... we started blogging around tahun 1998 cam tu lah...
tgh gila coding... biasa la.. amik MIS... konon2 pro lah... bdk course lain tgk cam tercangak2..hahahah! kejam kan?

tapi, best wooo..... siap share ngan lecturers lagik...
lecturer siap tumpang sekaki ngan sume entry kitaorg...which reminds me to jenguk my fav lecturer punyer blog jap lagik..
tak payah nak append gamba bagai... sumenya based on entries...
bukan senang bdk MIS nak layan writing k? but yes, my batch is.. sangat best oh kay!

and today, what makes me wanna blurbs bout this whole blogging world nih?
because, sorry to say, ramai yg memblog sbb glamour..yes, sume org ade reason tersendiri kan?
but, mcm x adil.. sbb....

korang kena sedar... ade org buat kita mcm idol just by reading our stories..
ade org gain strenght just by reading pur entry...
ade org yg kita x penak tau pun wujud jadi sahabat paling setia just by leaving very motivational comments...

jadi, kalau glomour is the sir name...
dat will definitely lead to un healthy competition... which leads to fake stories...fake entry...fake facts...
but again, blog korang kan? suka korang lah....
and, this is my opinion... blog aku..suka aku lah kan?

i am a silent reader EVERYWHERE...
i hop to one blog to the other...
i follow through a lot of love stories...
i update a lot of people's life....
i LEARN from it...

dats the main reason y i am quite upset with people dat have such intention...
kenapa blog? sbb org lain blog?
tak sesuai ok...

i linked my 'confirm jenguk' hari2 kat my link list itu..
tapi, i have thousands more link in my fav... why i didn't link them...?? sbb derang x kasi...penah aku link kat blog lama dulu.. derang soh kuarkan...
aku paham... www ni sangat luas... mayb derang tak nak sesapa terguris...

tapi, kalau boleh pls la...
manusia ni, hidup ade jatuh bangun nya...
kalau citer ko tu... asyik di atas jer, alhamdulillah...
masalahnya, ko x ngaku ur real life...again, hak you...
but, don't bitch bout others life lah... KEJI tau...
kutuk belakang2... bengong lah...

kesian my blogger friend tau...
dah la minah tu lurus bendul...
ikut la blog minah ni...
siap kagum lagik...
"gaji dia kecik kan kak... alhamdulillah...hidup dia mewah...tapi, nape dia x nak balas email saya eh? dia x kawan ngan org yg blog x glamer eh?? saya nak sgt kawan ngan dia tau....dari entry lain, dia leh pulak jumpa...tapi, derang blogger glamer lah..."
tu la dik.. akak dh cakap.. bukan sume org sama.. bukan sume org jujur...

saturday... full saturday

ok, sis & family g teman BIL meeting kat Jakarta. kesimpulannya, sis nak lari dr her hectic workload.

so, this weekend...rumah sunyi sepi from both D's.

in a way, i miss them so much.

on the other hand, me & mom dpt kemas rumah tanpa sebarang gangguan yg mencabar.. he3...

tgh2 kemas rumah, berbunyi la si Ja'afar tukang jual brg2 basah aka pasar bergerak kat my housing area nih.

ramai la sume jiran tetangga termasuk mom membeli belah kat sini. the price? quite cheap... slightly higher than borong but, lower than pasar basah.

sesuai la khidmat mcmni untuk kawasan rumah yg banyak veteran cam my house nih.

time ni jugak la all the nenek nenek will bermesra and exchange notes... yelah, memasing bz jaga cucu kan.. they need break too oh kay? dh la masa muda bela anak, dh tua nak kena bela cucu pulak... kesian kan?

tu la, maid x realiable.... leceh!

sementara mom bz siang ayam sume...lepas, help her with the rencah2 dia nak masak.. i continue with the chores.

backwash ni dh due tau... aiya...air yg kuar MAHA KARAT!

alhamdulillah, we invest on this thing... kalau x, makan karat la satu family...

habis je backwash, aunt2, cousinZ and nieceH bagi salam.. derang dtg naik cab from SubangJaya. mmg langkah kanan kan? mom pulak tgh masak lunch...menarik! mom mesti happy punyer...

seperti yg dijangka... mom called aunt1 asking her to come over. sapa lagi nak g amik kan? urs truly lah... :P

so, they chat... we talked... we discuss on our family tree...we laugh... we eat... and we talked again and again...

lepas solat asar, mom and both her sis rasa macam nak kueyteow kerang & goreng pisang...
apa lagik.. ngangkut la aku my cousinZ & nieceH soh temankan...
kacau tul la.. org tgh bz nak msg2 ngan *yezzer* tau.... :{

dh dekat sebulan the last time i took picture of this bocor pipe... x repair2 lagik.. isk isk isk...

well... sume lepak kat rumah sampai pas maghrib..baru lah sume balik..

penat jugak eh?

gang bas sekolah

budak2 berdua ni... tgh gila tgk gang bas sekolah yg kat astro ceria tuh....
there're motivated to watch dat series at first pun sbb si Izad ade belakon. Izad is their 3rd cousin. Izad's moyang & their moyang brothers.
last2..sangkut trus dgn series tu...
tangkap gamba skrng pun, mesti nak wat aksi gang bas sekolah...
saba je lah!

new ride

hi all..
my khalati calls me BigD in her blog.
this is my new ride.
i loves my new ride so much.
my mom bought this ride for me.
my dad help me to charge the battery.
now, i am all set to ride it.
ride, anyone?

my family tree quest

ok.. went to relatives house for my family tree quest.
yes, i want to complete & compile my family tree.

ok, this is wak unyah.
her line...
wak unyah daughter of sinah daughter of siti inah daughter of epong @ biong daughter of sheikh abd saleem.

and my line...
me daughter of hjh siti hajar daughter of hjh zainab daughter of hj abd rashid son of hj abd rahman son of sheikh abd saleem.

epong @ biong is hj abd rahman's eldest sister. both them is sheikh abd saleem's children.


since berambut panjang, lilD doesn't like her hair to be touch, except during after bath. dats the only time we can play wit her hair.. dats because, we need to comb it lah.
but yesterday, when i got back home from work... my lilD welcome me home with a very different style... she got all her hair clips on her hair...
and finally of course, there is something that the maid knows to do...ha3!

my wahab...

yes! its time for my wahab 1st service...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

wan muhammad akiff

remember Akiff?
tgk la dia latest....

can't wait to see Aqeel pulak...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

cian wdy mak..

balik keje semalam, mom tgh kecoh2 bising ade org hit & run her kembara.
semalam la pulak satu2 nya hari dia park kete dia kat luar pagar... mmg malang tul lah.. trus kena langgar..
bukan sikit2 pulak tu.. habis terperosok kangaroo bar dia ke dalam... jahat tau!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ang pow

as usual... alhamdulillah.. dapat la jugak angpow tahun nih...
to me, amount tak penting.. yg penting the thoughts...

p/s: recieved one from my dept head.. but, x amik gamba..lagipun, dia buat aku sakit hati, x ikhlas nak puji.. :P

cian Nana

yesterday night, was really a hectic night for me...

my niece, Nana admitted in ShahAlam MedicalCentre due to dengue. kesian sangat kat dia.. her blood count keeps on dropping... her fever went on and off like no body biz... haih...

mom cooked sup ketam for her... and we forced her to take gallons of 100plus. my cousin&family will only be here tomorrow, from Brunei.

lepas nak bagi dia makan sume, we rushed back to PJ nak pegi class ngaji. habis class ngaji, perut lapa giler! yelah... i didnt take proper lunch and its past dinner time already.

so, right after we finished class, me, mom and cousinY trus pegi OldTownWhiteCoffee. i betul2 dh x tahan lapa.. menggigil dbuatnya... :P

sampai kat sana, dalam dekat2 nak balik, terserempak pulak dgn kawan2 aka family friends.

drama drama.. ehehhehehe....

all in all....

tonight, is a very short night but with a very long agenda..

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

WaHaB first snow wash

comey pulak tgk my white WaHaB dilumur snow wash cenggitu...
betul punyer SNOW WASH! :)

pictures of the 1st project....

remember 1st project? haaa... since dat blogger ni teramatlah jealous dengan moi... let me just link you to my niece's fotopages on the project...

enjoy the pictures, here...

maid of maid...

can u imagine?
my house in a total disaster now because of the maid....
yes, the maid...
the maid, from Indonesia.

10 months...
what she can do?
mopping, sweeping, washing dishes and hang clothes.

what she still can not do?
took care of the kids...
preparation of cooking...
putting back clothes to the right owner...

and beribu dozen arahan yg dia tak paham langsung...!!!!!

yes, i am very angry...
orang senang la nak kata...
yg tanggung is aku & family...

sesapa yg penah ade maid SENGAL tau la apa maksud aku...

benci lah!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Trip to Kota Tinggi, Johor...

The 1st day

on 8th feb... mom, me, farezah & TM pegi KotaTinggi, Johor for Shifa's menyambut menantu ceremony at Esa's crib. ~ bak kata Esa, majlis menyambut pangantin lemau... hikhikhik...

lemau tak lemau... harus la maintain vougue kan? the event is on the 9th. our dearest shifa had reserved 10 rooms for her family and us, of course...
we stayed at Mayres Hotel in KotaTinggi town. It's a 2 star hotel and the best hotel there, in town.
apa pun, we're there not to be the hotel critics pun kan... yg penting, we're there for our Shifa.

out of 8 cars, we're the first to arrive. so, we all dengan bangganya check in awal and sempat lah TM tido dulu... cian driver....
while mom & TM tido (in a separate room, of course...heheheh), me & farezah merayap2 bandar KotaTinggi carik makan....
padahal, sampai2 tu, we all dh pekena Keyteow Ladna kat RestoranShahira, betul2 sebelah hotel... tapi, mcm tak puas.. portion kecik, share pulak berempat and quite expensive.

me & farezah jalan kaki...merayap2 and tengok selok belok bandar. Alhamdulillah, jumpa 24 hours KFC, 7Eleven, Guardian and another 2 restaurants. so, we need not worry. we'll definitely survive. bukan apa, banyak yg tutup lagik... still CNY maaaa...

malam pulak, we have been invited by Esa & family to have dinner there....we all dh teramat kenyang sebenarnya... but, demi tuan rumah... gagahi jua... :)
i love the pelamin... simple & nice.... seriusly.. to Shifa&Esa...kalau ade jodoh aku, aku tiru pelamin korang ni boleh x???

The 2nd day

pagi2 lagi... me, Farezah & TM dh merayap again... carik breakfast...jumpa la dis kedai mamak... siap ade jukebox lagik... tapi, tak pasang power supply... ahhahahahahaha!

balik hotel, rehat2 jap..layan maggi... borak2...gelak2... baring2... and siap2 nak pegi rumah pengantin...

the program was... brkumpul dekat petronas area rumah Esa pukul 12:30pm, sampai Esa dtg and pegi rumah persinggahan (Esa's brother house) untuk tunggu pengantin siap and gerak from there as a rombongan, of course.

kesian pengantin lelaki kan? priority harus la pengantin perempuan... berjanggut la tunggu turn..hehehehehe....

anyways, lepas dh siap... berangkat la kami ker rumah Esa...

diiring kompang.... disambut silat pengantin...

lepas tu, straight masuk bersanding... lepas merenjis bagai, kuar makan...
mind you yer... the process tidak la secepat yg diceritakan... of course la ade sessi tunggu menunggu... he3...
while makan, we all dprsembah kan dengan tarian zapin & inang by all the lovely kids...
wanted to upload the video here but, slow nak mati... later lah ok?
pastu... acara memotong cake...
oh.. i love the cake too...
mana tempah ni wei??? aku suka! aku suka!
lepas potong cake... acara membuli pengantin...
Esa&Shifa nyanyi karok OK!!!!
yg penting sporting... and Shifa dearie.. suara ko sangat best dat day! bravo!
(pun again, i cant upload the video.. will try later... so, tungguuuuuu)

lastly... we took pictures together kat pelamin..
terus we all balik PJ....
Alhamdulillah, segalanya lancar...
Shifa dearie... banyak2 rest lepas ni ok?
jom karok!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dunia baru the movie!

bila dunia baru the movie kuar iklan kat TV... mom terus mcm berminat nak tengok...
i was shocked...
tiap2 2 hari, mesti tanya balik...
and the answer is still YES...

i plan to take her pictures kat cinema.. tapi, manusia terlalulah ramai...

anyways, dats my trip wit mom to KLCC...

she had lotssa fun...

i am very happy to see her happy...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the brand new 'wahab'

finally.. it's here..
here it is.. my brand new wahab..

Monday, February 4, 2008

1st project

remember bout my trip to Nilai3?

i am helping my cousin out actually. for a project that BIL hiring her. besides, we share the same passion & etc... so, we were just giving it a shot!
will upload more pictures later... nak titun lah...
jenuh dok update last week's update...

Saturday, February 2, 2008


1. rumah step grams and the surroundings...

2. beratur tunggu keretapi lalu...
lama gilak tak kena situasi mcm nih... heheheheh....

3. baru & lama...
stesen keretapi nih... mom kata masih lagi macam tuh...
tu pulak tesco... taiping ade tesco... dont play play...

visiting's half brother...

mom's half youngest brother is suffering from a heart prob and a 'gaut'. (i don't know the scientific word for gaut...hehee).

last 2 months, he just went through his by pass and last week he went through his artificial knee placement. kerana gaut, habis all his joins dh bersarang....

my step grams dok mengadu kata my uncle tak lalu makan & etc.
teringat pulak his favourite dish.. bihun sup daging..
terus i pagi town and cari his fav stall...nasib baik ingat lagik kat mana...

alhamdulillah...berselera dia makan...
kasih kakak, walau different mom, hasil didikan yg betul, sanggup suapkan adik makan...

kerana kasih jugak, my uncle sanggup di angkat duduk atas kerusi roda nak tgk we all berangkat....

speedy recovery k cik megat! love u!

breakfast at Kamunting town

saje je bawak derang jalan2 breakfast kat luar.
derang x biasa breakfast kat luar.. yelah, kalau kt kampung kan breakfast kat rumah step grams, my step aunt and step cousin muka blank je masa i ajak brekkie kat luar...

this is mom enjoying her teh tarik... :)

dats our brekkie...
makan 7 orang.. baru RM15 sajer...