Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve!

today, Azlina treat me for lunch.
dia baru dpt bonus, so, apa lagik... hehehehe...
we had lunch at GenkiSushi KLCC.. thnks Na!
i loves sushi. i taught Azlina makan sushi.
and now, she's addicted too... :)

Na got both priviledges.
sayang nya, boleh guna salah satu jer..
so, guna yg citibank sbb dpt 20% off.. JCard dapat 10% jer.. he3..
lepas tu, teman Azlina shopping handbag...
belek punyer belek...
tak jumpa2..
its either overprised or not suitable.. (mind yer.. we have a criteria to match)
lagi pun sale, apa barang cari yg mahal sangat... nama pun sale kena lah berpada2 kan?
kalau x, baik nyopping masa bukan sale..

akhirnya... jumpa yg berkenan kat ELLE.
simple, match ngan criteria and also sesuai ngan kehendak Na.
i like the brown one...

tgk la tepi dia.. siap mcm pouch dolu kala lagik..

apa pun, thnks for the treat ye Na...
take care always!
P/S: Happy Birthday to Chloe & Nik Ilani...


Anonymous said...

you r most welcome..insya'alalh..kalu ada rezeki lagi ..kita gi lagi yea...

n thanks for "temaning" me to buy bags...cantik..i suka yg black..sytlo...

Amiha Ayu said...

insyaallah... doakan bonus aku meletops k? hehehehe...