Friday, January 14, 2011

Its been two weeks

Time flies cepat sangat sangat...

I missed reading all blogs during lunch hour. Sejak my office block all google products kecuali gmail and google search, patah hati sungguh nak membaca update semua.. But, I found a solution dah.. I can read but I can't comment..
Sebab tu, I know updates but tak boleh nak tinggal jejak.. Sedih..

Contoh sedih tak boleh tinggal jejak is like.. Bila baca entry blogger baru bersalin, kita tak comment congrats.. Bila blogger tanya soalan, kita tak leh participate tolong jawab.. Benda2 macam tu la.. Haih..

So, pagi ni saje nak bagitau korang yang in my list and also yang ada kat my update list yang I still read your updates and praying the best for you..

Missed having gath with bloggers.. Kalau ada2 tu, jemput2 la I ye.. (Sorok muka malu offer diri)

Take care people..


miss nina said... least u still care about others..itu yang penting :)

Unknown said...

ish3 sian tp fb n twitter masih buleh bukak kt opis? opis kita dh lama b;locked fb..uwaaa....

eLLy said...

emm ingatkan dah tak sudii...
tak pe yg penting still berhubungan,tapi memang tak best la klu tak dapat tinggal jejakkan..