Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When things goes... HAIH.

does that indicates that i'll be 'meroyan'ing in this entry?
no ok.
a big NO.

the HAIH.. the big HAIH is not about my life..
or my surroundings...
or my family....
or my friends...
and not even my work...
(alhamdulillah, kesemua di atas adalah sangat sangat ok so far. syukur)

but its for my ever darling mobile phone...
my Black Berry to be exact..

dah la masa nak start pakai macam dok reluctant nak pakai idak.. nak pakai idak..
now dah pakai... dah best... dan selesa.. dah no turning back sampai sebelah mata pun tak pandang dah mobile phone lain.. dia buat halll pulaaaakkkkkkk....

love hate relationship sungguh tau.


so nak tanya...
torch ke new curve, eh?
ngeh ngeh ngeh.

Blurbings By,



Fiza Amran said...

toch la best..

Liza said...

dia suruh upgrade to the latest model kot?

Lyn Yusoff said...

bold 9700

noreed said...

macam tgh musim BB rosak plak skrang. ramai btull tgh tensen dgn problem ni.

Madam Casper said...

haip.haip...haip...beli jer mana yang berkenan ....

lily lotus said...

huhu..thot masalah negara ke hape..hihi..y not iphone 4 jer terus :D