Sunday, February 22, 2009

The day I decide...

Assalamualaikum & Good day...

Hi korang... lama betul Ayu menyepi, kan? actually, I'm having problem to access and posting in my blog ni. tak tau la kenapa, asyik 'operation aborted' jer.. :(

sedih ooo..lama menyepi.. nak tengok blog sendiri pun tak lepas... macam mana nak jengah blog orang? even the links kat tepi2 tu pun tak kuar.. :(

anyways, after berfikir panjang and after 'berbincang' ngan few important peoples to me in this blogging world, i am migrating my blog to...

jadi, marilah beramai2 ke sana, ye..

blog ni will remain here... i have zillions of love and beautiful friendship, here.. cuma, jom kita pindah rumah yer..

rumah baru, segalanya agak straight forward lah sekarang.. sabar yer... slowly, it will change..

and now, ayu nak mintak tolong sangat2 all my dear blogger friends, to drop me an email at , subject: MY LINK and bagi la ayu all you all punyer blog address balik ek... ayu frust sungguh2 tak dapat nak jenguk blog korang nih..

InsyaAllah, things will be better after this..

so, jom? kita berpindah.. :)

see u guys there!