Saturday, November 24, 2007

wedding will always be the best place for family to gather

on saturday, ada wedding invitation. from for 4th cousin. i call him Abg Shaher. basically, when it comes to the whole route of family, we're the Sheikh Abd Salim's keturunan.

sheikh abd salim is my great great great great great moyang from Arab whom travels for dakwah and settles down at Padang, Sumatera. he landed in the troop of Kualoh and tie the knot with one of Sultan's daughter.

during the war, my ancestors larikan diri ke tanah melayu with all the kapals and harta benda. they explore the Selama, Perak up to Tebing Tinggi & Bagan Serai. :)

along the way, all the anak cucu kawin dgn all sort of other troop like mendaling and bilah. so, untuk merapatkan balik all the keturunan, and also to maintain the 'darah raja2', by the time sampai level 4th or 5th cousin, they will kawinkan their son/daughter. kawin sedara lah kiranya.

up to my family.. (i mean, our branch lah..not, the whole troop), even my mom's 2nd sis kawin wit her 1st cousin. so, these are all the details yang menyebabkan my family tree adventure seringlah tergendala..he3...(ingat senang ke nak link kan derang ni bila dah kawin sedara)

anyways, the wedding was held at kota damansara. yg excited nya si BigD and LilD lah. derang ber2 ni suka makan nasi orng kawin.x yah lauk pun.hahaaaa...

look at LilD.

them again...
biasalah kalau dh namanya kenduri.mesti ade la yg nak pegi ramai2. so, we went to Aunt1 place first where my uncle & cousin tunggu nak pegi together.

me & BigD

me & LilD

both BigD & LilD demam sebenarnya.tapi, budak kan? dh namanya berjalan, seronok je lah. yg muncung maknya.hahahahaa....(malas nak xplain..)

(mau kena sula kalau dia tau i post this pic)

left to right - mom, Aunt1 & CikBedah

clockwise - CikBahar, CikPak & AbgZaini
cuaca punyer lah panas. i do the normal routine mengalahkan orng ade anak bila g wedding. tak sempat nak snap sana sini as i was bz stranded doing something else.sungguh tak best. i wanted to snap pictures. our faces mmg mixed habis. sini ko tgk mcm indon habis..tetiba anak dia ade rupa arab2 sikit. mcm LilD, BIL mcm chinese, sis melayu, tetiba dia cam matsalleh pun ade. and, i cant believe, i missed to snap all that.

clockwise - AbgKotan, Kakak, CikBedah, AbgZaini, mom, KakElya, CikBahar, Aunt2 and Aunt1.
Note: CikBahar & CikBedah are husband & wife and they are also cousins.heheehhe...

ubat dh mula jalan. so, derang dh start lembik.

on my neneks side, this is the only uncle left. he's younger than mom and dats his wife and they have 12 kids!
everytime ade family weddings, i get to feel that my passion in music (esp singing) mmg in the blood lah! :P sumenya kaki nyanyi and kaki music. well, kat bawah ni pic of tuan rumah merangkap bapak pengantin siap nyanyi lagu wajah kesayangan hamba for all guest.

tuan rumah - Abg Shaher

BigD dh penat and buat muka nak ajak balik

LilD pun sama
macam la Khalati (me lah too) korang pedulik kan? ku teruskan jua snapping sikit2 from the kusi i ddk... hehehehehee

AbgKotan, CikPak and lil Amirul kat tgh2. (Ank CikPak no 10)
ntah macam mana, i dpt lepaskan diri ke dalam rumah.yay! dpt gak nak tgk pelamin and jumpa sedara. (sebenrnya bg alasan kat Sis nak panggil Mom.. :P)
sampai dalam rumah tgk my cousin tgh busy amik gamba.JEALOUS!

Abg Zaini tgh snap2..

sempat la jugak i layan borak ngan few cousins.sampai la tiba2 ada budak ni memeranjatkan orang from behind. its ASHWAQ! ya allah! bertahun tak jumpa sepupu yg sorang nih. dari kecik, mmg i am quite close ngan minah yg sorang nih. dia siap ikut jejak i masuk UIA tau.currently she's doing the Masters in Arabic Literature also in UIA.tinggal thesis je proud of u sis!
si Ashwaq ni pulak, anak jati Saudi! hahhahaa.. born & raised in Makkah. cakap Arab berabuk gila! sampai kalau mama dia kejut tido pun dia leh jawab 'Thoyib!'. hahahaha...hakikatnya, darah Kualoh! :) stories bout yg ni pulak, later lah yer.kapla dh jam cite sejarah nenek moyang nih.

ni la Ashwaq. i like this pic Ashwaq, masalahnya bergegar lah pulaks.

ha... a better shot.
i had fun lah jugak walaupun panas hati & cuaca.kenapa panas hati? biasalah... malas nak cite kat sini.tapi, mmg menggelegak lah. bukan apa, aku pun ade pride.sesuka hati nak tengking2 tu apa hal? u may not realise it... but, mmg kecik hati. u always think u documented what ppl did to u.ingatlah what goes around, comes around.renung2 kan lah.

lupa lak nak citer.ingat dh nak end kan entry nih.hehehee..
yg jadi MC dat day pun, bukan org lain, sedara jugak. dulu2, selalu gak kutuk mamatMC ni. sekali tgk2 sedara.Amik ko! tu lah, moral of the story, jgn main kutuk orang..selidik dulu. :)
yg pasti, wa tabiklah mamat nih. gila terrer cakap Kualoh.aku pun fail cakap Kualoh tau.he made all the oldies smile and start Kualohing each other. hehehhee...


a clearer view...

yes, its Shamsul Ghau Ghau

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